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刘战博士,总教务长办公室,亚洲区。Dr. Jonathan Noble, Provost Office, Asia.

他从2006年起担任教务长并于次年成为校长。He became provost in 2006 and president the following year.

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从今天起,你就是这个国家的助理监狱长了。From today I make you the Assistant Provost of this Republic.

弗兰克·詹姆斯是戈登康威尔神学院的院长。Frank A. James III is provost of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

斯坦福大学医学院艾伦·加伯教授被哈佛大学任命为下一任教务长,包括他的个人介绍,斯坦福大学校长及同事的感想,以及哈佛大学的公告。Harvard names Stanford Medical School Professor Alan M. Garber as its next provost

但问道为什么,教务长回复说他的学院面临巨大的财政赤字。When asked why the provost replied that his institution faced a yawning budget deficit.

劳瑞拉贝雷斯宾塞是负责本科招生的协理主任。Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions.

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天主教大学的布伦南说,教会采取了重要步骤来解决丑闻问题。Catholic University Provost James Brennan says the church has taken major steps to address the scandal.

加伯,作为一名在斯坦福大学工作了25年的员工,将于9月1日正式掌舵成为哈佛大学教务长。Garber, a member of the Stanford faculty for 25 years, will take the helm as Harvard's provost on Sept. 1.

艾伦·加伯,亨利·凯泽小教授,已经签约作为哈佛大学的下一任教务长。Garber, the Henry J.Kaiser Jr.Professor at Stanford, has been appointed the next provost of Harvard University.

新上任的领袖助理把那个人拖出来,狠狠地甩了他三巴掌。The newly appointed Assistant Provost dragged the man out and delivered three very hot slaps to the man’s face.

加伯,作为一名在斯坦福大学工作了25年的员工,将于9月1日正式掌舵成为哈佛大学教务长。Garber, a member of the Stanford faculty for 25 years, will take the helm as Harvard's provost on Sept. 1.Alan M.

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加伯,作为一名在斯坦福大学工作了25年的员工,将于9月1日正式掌舵成为哈佛大学教务长。Garber, a member of the Stanford faculty for 25 years, will take the helm as Harvard's provost on Sept. 1. Alan M.

我们镇的宪兵司令很精明,像狮子一样勇敢,又很卑鄙,就像你在一整天的旅途中可能遇到的人一样。The provost marshal in our county was shrewd, brave as a lion, and as mean a man as one could meet in a whole day's travel.

我是负责研究生教育的副教务长,我很高兴你们参加这次VPGE领导力项目的开幕活动。I'm the vice provost for graduate education, and I'd like to welcome you to this inaugural eventing VPGE's leadership program.

如果说校长相当于公司的CEO,那教务长则是CFO,他要关注学校的预算、基础设施状况还有整个学校的学术健康。And if the president is like the CEO of a company, the provost is the CFO, worrying about budget, infrastructure and academic health.

驻休斯敦总领馆魏礼庆、王培军领事和艾默里大学哈利·赛梅柯副教务长等在座。Consul Wei Liqing and Wang Peijun of the Chinese Consulate General, Vice Provost for International Affairs Holli Semetko were present.

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在另一个著名的试验中,戴维逊,那时是杜克大学的教务长,将iPods设为2003级所有大一新生的学术课程的一部分。In another famous experiment, Davidson, then provost at Duke, gave the entire 2003 freshman class iPods as part of their academic curriculum.

不久前,一家很大的美国大学教务长联系Zinch中国的汤姆·梅尔彻,想招收250名中国学生。Not long ago Tom Melcher of Zinch China was contacted by the provost of a large American university who wanted to recruit 250 Chinese students stat.

不久前,一家很大的美国大学教务长联系Zinch中国的汤姆·梅尔彻,想招收250名中国学生。Not long ago, Tom Melcher of Zinch China was contacted by the provost of a large American university who wanted to recruit 250 Chinese students, stat.