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清洁时使用半干拖布。Use when cleanness work partly pull cloth.

木质地板的清洁保养。The cleanness of woodiness floor maintains.

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他喜欢荒野草地的清洁和整齐。He preferred the cleanness and tidiness of the wild sod.

保证客户的清洁效果,为客户提供清洁顾问服务。Ensure cleanness effect of account, provide clean consultation to account.

它是单晶体,可以制得极高的光洁度。It is a single crystal and can be made with high brightness and cleanness.

因此,钢的洁净度是影响钢性能的关键因素。The key point which influences mechanical properties is cleanness of steel.

选择一款弱酸洗面奶认真的清洁毛孔深处的脏污。Step1. Select a paragraph of the cleanness of weak seriously grandma deep pore smudgy.

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进风盖和出风盖采用螺钉连接,便于维修与清洁。Bolt connection for inlet cover and outlet cover ensure easy maintenances and cleanness.

便于安装。进风盖和出风盖采用螺钉连接,便于维修与清洁。Bolt connection for inlet cover and outlet cover ensure easy maintenances and cleanness.

答案取决于开发速度随代码洁净度变化的曲线。The answer depends on a kind of response curve of velocity in relation to code cleanness.

生物柴油的可再生性和清洁性引起了世界各国的重视。Biodiesel attracts notice all around the world because of its cleanness and reproducibility.

在开式循环的情况下,清洁的间隔时间长短要根据冷却水的性质而定。In open cycle condition, the frequency of the cleanness should base on cooling water quality.

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“清正廉洁是中国红十字会工作的准则,”华建敏说。"Incorruptibility and cleanness are the lifelines of the Red Cross' work in China," Hua said.

心甜员工分为管理、甜品加工制作、点餐收银、店堂清洁四类。Sweet heart employees into management, dessert manufacture, meal cashier, cleanness class four.

定期检查托架的使用情况,定期检查润滑油的清洁度和油位。Examine working status of the frame, degree of cleanness and oil level of lubricating oil termly.

河流拥有完整性、连续性、清洁性、用水和造物五种权利。A river has the five rights as integrity, continuity, cleanness , water consumption and demiurgic.

枕头和床垫都需要保持清洁和干燥,需要定期晒太阳,尤其是桑拿天。Pillow and mattess need to maintain cleanness and dry, need basks regularly, especially sauna day.

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而道家把心灵的宁静、淡泊与自由,看得比其他的一切都更为重要。Taoists place the spiritual quietness, cleanness and freedom on the first priority over everything.

清洁请用清水或中性洗涤剂,最后用布擦干净,以免地滑。Cleanness uses clear water or neuter scour please, use cloth wipe up finally, lest the ground slips.

乳状的化妆水能彻底清洁却不刺激脆弱敏感的肌肤。Lacteal makeup can complete cleanness does not stimulate water to skin sensitively flimsily however.