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中国的第一个原子反应堆和回旋加速器建于1958年。China's first atomic reactor and cyclotron were built in 1958.

照射区对回旋加速器本身的屏蔽程度如何?How well is the exposure area shielded from the cyclotron proper.

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原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。Forgive others, is to leave space for their hearts, so that the cyclotron.

本文讨论了回旋加速器虚拟样机模型的特点。This article discusses the characteristics of cyclotron prototyping model.

主要介绍医用回旋加速器的基本原理与结构。This paper mainly introduces the principium and structure of the medical cyclotron.

但是,根据回旋加速器的重量,可能需要额外强化。However, it may require additional reinforcement due to the weight of the cyclotron.

今天许多放射性同位素是用被称为回旋加速器的粒子加速器来制造的。Today many radioisotopes are produced using the particle accelerator called a cyclotron.

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傅氏转换离子迴旋共振质谱术的生物分析。Analysis of biomolecules with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.

第一乃是针对不均匀磁场下的相对论效应之离子迴旋不稳定性。The first aims on the relativistic ion cyclotron instability in non-uniform magnetic field.

文章讨论了PET回旋加速器水冷却系统中有效控制水电导率的方法。This paper discusses some effective methods in controlling water conductivity of PET cyclotron.

不过,你尽管可以用回旋加速器和X光机来探查一只蜜蜂,但是永远也不能从中找出蜂巢的特性。And yet you can search a bee forever with cyclotron and fluoroscope, and you will never find the hive.

回旋加速器室两道防护门和迷道长度的设计是保守的。In addition, the design of labyrinth and the two protection doors in cyclotron rooms were conservative.

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利用工作于电子回旋频率的磁控管发射的微波功率在磁镜中产生了稳定的等离子体。A stable plasma in the mirror is produced by using microwave with magnetron at electron cyclotron frequency.

具有剩余阳电荷的核素容易地在一个回旋加速器中被制造出来并且被广泛制造用于医学用途。Nuclides with surplus positive charge are easily made in a cyclotron and are widely generated for medical use.

论证和分析了该系统电磁不稳定性的存在及其特征,并与其它电子回旋脉塞进行了比较。The electromagnetic instability of the system was analyzed, and compared with other electron cyclotron masers.

回旋加速器加速正电荷粒子,贝他加速器加速负电荷电子。The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles, while the betatron accelerates negatively charged electrons.

该诊断基于电子回旋脉塞不稳定性和回旋共振吸收。The diagnosis is based on the theories of the electron cyclotron maser instability and cyclotron resonance absorption.

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本文介绍了几点回旋加速器在机房设计、安装、使用时应该加强的辐射防护知识。The paper introduces some knowledge of radiation protection when we design the cyclotron room, install and operate it.

通过考察收集的离子电流信号中的共振峰可得到离子的荷质比、回旋频率等参数。Analyzing the resonant peak is an effective method to acquire the charge-mass ratio and cyclotron frequency of the ions.

分析回旋加速器磁体电源的工作原理,介绍安装调试过程中的测试方法和步骤,对维修工作有一定的启示作用。In the article, we analyze the theory of power supply for magnet coils in cyclotron and introduce checking methods and steps of test.