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我依家系香港。I'm in HongKong now.

我们何时到达香港?When do we arrive at Hongkong?

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我们的总部设在香港。Our headquarter is in Hongkong.

此船结关后离开香港。The ship cleared from Hongkong.

他们将打水路去香港。They'll go to Hongkong by water.

我个名叫哔哔,我系香港银。My name is Bebe. Im from HongKong.

港灯接力队队员。Hongkong Electric relay team members.

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兰馨带着悦悦去了一趟香港。Orchid with Yue Yue went to Hongkong.

请送我去香港中路。Yes, take me to Hongkong middle road.

香港自从1897年以来是英国的殖民地。Hongkong was British Colony since 1897.

请使用有效的香港邮政电子证书。Please use valid Hongkong Post e- Cert.

在香港转船如何?What's about transshipment at Hongkong?

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马术比赛在香港进行。Reitturnier wird in Hongkong stattfinden.

我们要在香港停留一夜吗?Will we be staying overnight in Hongkong?

港灯草地滚球代表队。Hongkong Electric Lawn Bowls team players.

是的,去年秋天我搭机去香港。Yes , I went to Hongkong by air last fall.

香港是广东“汤文化”的发扬光大者。People in Hongkong are fond of making soup.

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我可以从这电汇一些钱到香港吗?Can I wire some money to Hongkong from here?

有人把香港说成是“文化沙漠”。It is said that Hongkong is "Culture Desert".

在香港度假花了我好多钱。It cost me a fortune for vacation in Hongkong.