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一个蝙蝠粪和硫磺小球。A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.

早上我比较喜欢蝙蝠粪的味道。I love the smell of bat guano in the morning.

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峡谷壁上到处是巨大的鸟身人巢穴和鸟粪。The canyon walls are lined with giant harpy nests and guano.

鸟粪层就是海鸟的粪便,可以用作肥料。Guano means droppings from seabirds used as a sort of fertilizer.

蝙蝠的粪便在农业上长久以来就用作肥料。The guano of bats has long been used for agricultural fertilizer.

鸟粪被用来作为世界上最好的有机肥料。Guano is used to make some of the world's finest organic fertiliser.

爪努是一种很好的鸟,可是饲养必须多加小心。The guano is a fine bird, but great care is necessary in rearing it.

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任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital.

大多数岛屿都是由于“鸟粪岛法案”而获得的。Most of these were acquired under the delightfully Guano Island Act. when the U.

我们对海鸟粪项目的分析完全没有关注项目是如何融资的。Our analysis of the guano project takes no notice of how that project is financed.

而日本则指出,在19世纪,它们曾在这座小岛上采集过海鸟的羽毛和粪便。Japan points to 19th century use on the island to collect seabird feathers and guano.

通过研究这些图像,科学家发现粪渍是鸟类存在的可靠证据。By studying the images, the scientists discovered that guano stains are reliable indicators of the birds' presence.

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所以每吨海鸟粪的人工成本以真实方式计会上升,除非技术进步允许更有效率的运用人工。So labor costs per ton of guano will rise in real terms unless technological advances allow more efficient use of labor.

停车场的耗子天天被乌鸦欺负。它必须打着伞四处接鸟粪。不过到第二关就可以拿枪干掉它们了!Car park was a crow bully mouse every day. It must take guano . But the second hurdle to be able to get rid of them a gun!

简洁发现神柜上的华光像不见了,大为紧张,承康告知神像在窗台上。Concise and found the ark of the god uh guano like disappeared, greatly nervous, ChengKang told statues on the windowsill.

这是一种宝贵的天然肥料。鸟粪的源头能听到河水上空的鸟鸣。噪音因为山洞而被放大。It's used as a valuable source of fertiliser. A clue to the source of the guano can be heard above the noise of the river.

南美洲以鸟粪闻名,洪堡在那儿并没有忘去研究它为什么是这么好的肥料的原因。South America was famous for its guano and while there Humboldt did not forget to study why it was such a good fertilizer.

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为了在二月份才需结算清的债务,你说在十二月份就出手海鸟粪,这简直叫我怒发冲冠。My hair stands on end when you talk of parting with guano in December because there are bills which have to be met in February.

基里巴斯是个太平洋上的岛国,主要以把鸟粪制造成肥料为生。该国在1956年成立了基里巴斯收益平衡储备基金。Kiribati, a Pacific island country that mined guano for fertiliser, set up the Kiribati Revenue Equalisation Reserve Fund in 1956.

表格6.5重算了海鸟粪项目对IM&C的未来税单的冲击,而表格6.6显示了修改后的税后现金流和现值。Table 6.5 recalculates the guano project's impact on IM&C's future tax bills, and Table 6.6 shows revised after-tax cash flows and present value.