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你们学校是男女合校吗?。Is your school coed?

他们想要一所男女同校的大学!They want a coed university!

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我要上男女同校的学校。I want to go to a coed school.

每个年级的四个教室仍然保持男女同校。Four classrooms in each grade remained coed.

我大学里的每个系都是男女合系。All the apartments at my university are coed.

你是住在男女兼收的宿舍呢,还是住在女生宿舍?。Do you live ina coed dorm or is just for girls?

当地主要的标志,是一所男女同校的大学,在上世纪20年代被烧毁。Its main feature, the coed college, had burned down in the 1920s.

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1969年,耶鲁开始男女同校,欢乐合唱团也开始有了女团员。Yale went coed during his tenure – in 1969 – and so did the Glee Club.

美国乔治华盛顿大学开先例,允许男女混住。At George Washington University, coed quarters becoming option for all.

想象一下吧,用美丽的辞藻,完美的发音和一个可爱的女生谈话。Imagine saying a beautiful phrase with perfect pronunciation to a lovely coed.

许多新的大学生生存在宿舍,和许多这些宿舍都是男女同校。Many new college students subsist in dorms , and many of these dorms are coed.

并且,他说,混合住宿的室友们互相照顾,像兄弟姐妹一样。And, he says, coed dorm mates look out for each other, like brothers and sisters.

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我没有住在男女同住的宿舍,而是选择了校区外的兄弟会会所。Instead of living in a coed dormitory, I chose to live in a fraternity house off campus.

马尔伯勒中学的女生形容她,”中学期间,与男生的关系相当保守。Her years at coed Marlborough were marked by what other girls saw as her 'reserve' in relation to boys.

总之,我赞成男女合校。我深信大多数的中学生也喜欢就读于男女合校的学校。To sum up, I approve of coeducation and I am convinced that most high school students like to study in a coed school.

在男女共同办公的场所里,同事间的互助合作,频繁的公出或郊游,时间长了,机会和诱惑也比从前大大增加了。Group interaction in coed workplaces, frequent travel and long hours create more opportunity and temptation than ever.

从上一学年起,美国高校的公寓楼就开始提供男女同住的宿舍,并将计划推进这一举措。American University has offered coed rooms in apartment buildings since last school year and plans to expand the program.

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一九四七年五月初,警察袭击上海法学院,杀死一名女生,抓走十一名学生。Early in May 1947, the police raided the campus of the Shanghai Law College, killed one coed and arrested eleven students.

呼叫中心在一个交叉点上,在女校的会堂和为当地公共电视台集资的电话银行之间。The call center is a cross between a coed college frat house and a phone bank raising money for the local public TV station.

为了吸引来自海外的教员和学生,国王颁令允许男女同校,并将这所学校独立于国家教育体系之外。To attract foreign faculty and students, the king decreed that it would be coed and independent of the state educational system.