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我承认,我是个偷听者。I admit , i ' m an eavesdropper.

在传输过程,对该信息进行编码,使窃听者无法获知真正的内容。In transit, this information is scrambled and unintelligible to any eavesdropper.

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其原理只不过是窃听者将不知道如何对消息解密。The theory is simply that the eavesdropper will not know how to decrypt the message.

信息的接收方可以发觉有人窃听,并据此采取相应的措施。The receiver should be able to detect an eavesdropper and take appropriate countermeasures.

理论上,窃听者可以偷取额外的光子,拿它来协助解开讯息。An eavesdropper could, in theory, steal an extra photon and use it to help decode a message.

第三方通常是象伊夫那样的密码专家。This third party, the eavesdropper if you like, is commonly known as Eve among cryptographers.

爱丽丝与鲍伯可以选择性地比较一些位元,并检查错误,来侦测是否有窃听者。Alice and Bob can detect the presence of the eavesdropper by comparing selected bits and checking for errors.

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但是窃听者可以在不违反物理原理的基础上对量子密码的产生过程进行攻击。However an eavesdropper can interne in the legal users' communication without violate the physical principles.

他告发了水门事件的窃听者,作为美国乒乓球队的一员到了中国,为中美建交立下了功劳。He denounced the watergate eavesdropper on American, as a member of the table tennis team for diplomatic relations in China, the credit.

窃听者可以破坏接收者的侦测器,让来自传送者的量子位元回漏到光纤而被拦截。An eavesdropper might sabotage a receiver's detector, causing qubits received from a sender to leak back into a fiber and be intercepted.

信息电磁泄漏侦收系统的抗噪声性能直接关系到系统整体性能。The anti-noise performance of eavesdropper on information electromagnetic leakage, which directly affects general performance of the eavesdropper, is analyzed.

否则,恶意的监听者就可以在你的应用程序与最终用户之间的任何路由器上通过数据包探嗅到那些敏感的信息。Otherwise, a malicious eavesdropper on any router between your server and the end user can very easily sniff the sensitive information out of the network packets.

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因为伪随机数发生器的每一位是由三个不同的混沌轨道产生的,所以对攻击者来说,提取混沌系统信息是非常难的。It is difficult for an eavesdropper to extract information about chaotic systems for every bit of pseudo-random number generator is generated from three different chaotic orbits.

用FTP上传包含数据库用户名和密码的PHP文件到远程WEB服务器时,恶意的监听者就会通过探嗅数据包来获得密码。Tranerring a PHP file that contains database passwords to your remote Webserver over an insecure protocol like FTP can allow an eavesdropper to sniff the packets and reveal your password.

用FTP上传包含数据库用户名和密码的PHP文件到远程WEB服务器时,恶意的监听者就会通过探嗅数据包来获得密码。Transferring a PHP file that contains database passwords to your remote Webserver over an insecure protocol like FTP can allow an eavesdropper to sniff the packets and reveal your password.

至少,在登录页面被发送到客户端并返回到服务端的过程中,需要通过一个安全的连接防止窃听者嗅探到用户的明文密码。At the very least, your login page should be sent to the user and shipped back to the Web server over a secure connection to prevent an eavesdropper from sniffing the user's cleartext password.

窃听者通过窃听所获取的信息量是决定密钥传输是否成功的重要指标,同时也是保密增强这一技术环节的必要参数。The information gained by the eavesdropper through interception is a very important criterion for judging the success of the key transmission and a necessary parameter for the privacy amplification.