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最近我的关于Lambda表达式的文章被发表在MSDN杂志上。Recently my article on lambda expressions got published on MSDN magazine.

你可以到微软MSDN网页如果你想知道更多关于DLL的。You can go to the Microsoft MSDN web page if you want to know more on DLLs.

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记得从MSDN杂志网站下载本文的示例代码。Be sure to download the accompanying sample from the MSDN Magazine Web site.

MSDN代码展览馆是一个存放代码片断,示例和其他资源的门户。The MSDN Code Gallery is a portal for snippets, samples and other resources.

为什么虽然源代码没有显式声明所有接口,但是MSDN还是把所有的接口都列出来了呢?Why does MSDN have the full interface list but the real source code does not?

有显着的改善。看到什么是新的MSDN上的详情页。There are significant improvements. See the What's New page on MSDN for details.

该项目的原型是由贪心,我创建的例子在MSDN上的支持。This project is the prototype that I created by piggy-backing on the MSDN example.

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我们在MSDN网站反馈论坛期待着听取您更多关于如何使MSDN更好的为您服务的意见。Please check out the MSDN Site Feedback Forum for additional information and discussions.

社区成员是无法使用MSDN下载中心的,它只对微软员工开发。MSDN Downloads is not available to community members, being reserved to Microsoft employees.

7月4号的一大早,Acropolis团队就在MSDN公布了最新的CTP版本。Early in the morning on July 4th, the Acropolis team posted the latest release of the CTP on MSDN.

如需CSS属性和支持它们的IE版本的完整列表,请参见MSDN的CSS属性索引。For a complete list of CSS properties and IE versions that support them, see the MSDN CSS Attributes Index.

MSDN展览馆是一个好地方,可以用来存放那些可能会对开发社区有贡献的示例项目。The MSDN Code Gallery is a great place to put any sample projects you may have to help the developer community.

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这个开发人员向导可以在MSDN上免费浏览,或从微软出版社购买纸质版和电子版。The developer guide may be viewed freely in a browser on MSDN or obtained from MS Press as a hardcopy or ebook.

希望MSDN代码图库能提供给你另一个宝贵的资源,使你起步并走向成功。Hopefully, the MSDN Code Gallery provide you with another valuable resource for you to get started and be successful.

MSDN代码展览馆是一个分享各种资源社区平台,这些资源可以小至一个代码片断,大至整个示例程序。The MSDN Code Gallery is a community platform for sharing all kinds of resources, ranging from code snippets to whole sample applications.

没有昂贵的MSDN订阅,想要试验Azure的独立开发者没有其他选择,只能是自己来支付费用。Without costly MSDN subscriptions, independent developers who want to experiment with Azure have no choice but to shell out their own money.

此外,MSDN上列出的CSS测试很不精确,事实上,完全通过了这些测试的浏览器并不与标准兼容。Additionally, some of the CSS tests listed on MSDN are inaccurate, and browsers that actually pass these tests are not compliant with the standard.

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除了每季度推进我们办公室的大量的微软系列软件包,我记不得我上一次购买的盒装软件是什么。Other than the massive MSDN software package that is trollied into our office every quarter, I cannot remember the last time I bought software in a box.

代码图库的核心是一个简单的、带有社区支持的网站,我们共享面向开发人员的信息和资源,并把他们整合到MSDN中。Code Gallery is, at its core, simply a community enabled site where we share developer enabling information and resources that will be integrated into the MSDN experience.

相反,它们提供的是公共基础层,可以把这个基础层扩展成为功能齐全的BPM和工作流产品。Instead, they both provide a common base framework that can be extended to form fully fledged BPM and workflow products. Or as David Chappell formulates it in this MSDN article