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此次活动我们将邀请苏州儿童福利院的孤儿来免费欢度圣诞夜。We will invite the orphans from Suzhou Enfant Orphanage stay with us on Christmas Eve.

关于这个在硅谷肆意耍宝的顽皮孩子,这里要揭秘一些你可能还不了解的真相。Here are a few facts you may not have known about the Enfant Terrible of Silicon Valley.

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这个难搞的婴儿坐在一小股痴迷于其迷幻魅力的支持者当中。The enfant terrible sits among a cadre of supporters who have been charmed by his hypnotic spell.

贾伯斯的个性是出了名的严苛,被视为是矽谷的头号顽童。Known for his demanding personality, Steve Jobs is considered Silicon Valley's original enfant terrible.

市售的儿童餐具具有可爱的图案、鲜艳的颜色,可以促进宝宝的食欲。Enfant dishwares sold in the market have lovely pictures and fresh colors, which can improve the child's appetite.

探讨放疗联合PF方案治疗儿童鼻咽癌的放疗剂量及疗效。To explore the effect and radiotherapy dose of radiotherapy associated with PF regimen in enfant nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

长沙慧凝公司是一家准备从事儿童安全防护用品的开发与销售的小公司。Changsha Hemlock Company is a small company. We are ready to engage in the development and sales of enfant anti-security product.

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本文主要是从对儿童安全防护用品的市场营销做了详细的分析和探讨。This paper discusses and analyzes the sales strategy of the enfant anti-security products in detail on the point of strategy view.

最畅销的小说家,冠军赛车手,对中国的文学世界黄蜂舌坏孩子-韩寒,所有这些东西。Best-selling novelist, champion race-car driver, wasp-tongued enfant terrible of China's literary world — Han Han has been all these things.

放疗联合PF化疗方案治疗儿童鼻咽癌可降低放射治疗剂量,毒性低。Radiotherapy combined with PF chemotherapy for enfant nasopharyngeal carcinoma might reduce radiotherapeutical dose and its toxicity is low.

据路透社报道,素有法国时装界“顽童”之称的让·保罗·高提耶将不再担任爱马仕女士成衣系列的设计师。Jean-Paul Gaultier, the enfant terrible of French fashion, is stepping down as designer of women's ready-to-wear for Hermes, Reuters reported.

具有讽刺意味的是,圣经考古学的“无心之谈”却已成为了学术标杆,而哥利亚们现在只能用自己的编年史去回击那些自命不凡者的攻击。The irony is that biblical archaeology's enfant terrible has become the establishment, a Goliath fending off upstart assaults on his chronological order.

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小克莱巴以他酒神的魅力闻名乐坛,同时他也爱耍小孩子气---比如说最后一分钟取消演出。Kleiber was known as a brilliant conductor who could inspire an orchestra but also as an enfant terrible who would call off performances at the last minute.

儿童安全防护用品是婴幼儿用品中的一类分支产品,主要是对家庭中的儿童进行各方面的防护。The enfant anti-security product is a branch of enfant products. The enfant anti-security products are faced to the general anti-security to enfant in family.

随着我国社会与经济的发展,儿童在家庭中的安全问题越来越引起我们的重视,儿童安全防护用品已经开始进入我们的家庭。Along with the development of economy and society, More attention are taken to the security of infant, and the enfant anti-security product is going to families.

年初海地大地震,年末北朝鲜又像个不安分子,动不动就想用边缘政策对待外交。It began with a massive earthquake in Haiti and wound down with North Korea once again being an enfant terrible – bizarrely trying to conduct diplomacy through brinkmanship.

几个月后,这名女婴腐蚀,坐在了他与一个在最先进的国家,朗方耶稣孤儿院,那里的儿童是由身边围满了细心的保姆往往信件底部打发泡胶。Months later, the baby, named Erode, sat on his bottom playing with a styrofoam letter at the state-of-the-art Enfant Jesus orphanage, where children are tended by a bevy of attentive nannies.