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很多汽车旅馆都位于付费公路旁边。A lot of motels lie beside the turnpike.

你呼我的时候,我还在缅因州的收费公路上呢。I was on the Maine Turnpike when you beeped me.

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我们就在高速公路上——离市区只有两英里。We're on the turnpike.just two miles from downtown.

就不能把路费给它,让它自己从收费公路上过来吗?Can't you just stick it on the turnpike and give it money for tolls ?

在芬兰和新泽西收费公路得出类似的结果。Similar results were achieved in Finland and on the New Jersey Turnpike.

在宾夕法尼亚州一个收费高速公路的休息站,我们在停车场里扔橄榄球玩儿。At a Pennsylvania Turnpike rest stop, we tossed a football in the parking lot.

但当有人突然在我们通往新泽西州的收费公路上被阻挡了,这有什么帮助呢?But how does this help me when someone cuts me off on the New Jersey Turnpike?

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有一位迟到是因为在NJ收费公路发生了一起车祸而被堵在路上。One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.

花园州公园大道是通往地狱的高速公路吗?抑或新泽西州收费高速公路是迈向诅咒毁灭之路?Is the Garden State Parkway the highway to hell? Or is the New Jersey Turnpike the road to damnation ?

州长说他正采取法律行动来对马萨诸塞州收费公路管理局高层进行整顿。The governor says he's taking legal action to remove the head of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority.

作为不动产所有者和收费公路理事,他属于国内工程里的一支。He became involved in this branch of civil engineering due to being an estate owner and turnpike trustee.

但是,随着收费公路规模的不断扩大,在路网中所占的比重日益提高,产生了一些负面影响。However, with the constant enlargement of the scale of the turnpike , some negative effects have been produced.

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梅丽莎住在拖车场,离我的校园有几英里,就在许多蓝绿色的房间中夹在保龄球场和收费公路之间的那一间。Melissa lived in a trailer park, miles from my campus, in one of a dozen turquoise units wedged between a bowling alley and the turnpike.

她没有进花园,却走上那条小路,以便和那条有栅门的大路隔得远些。Darcy's sometimes coming there stopped her, and instead of entering the park, she turned up the lane which led her farther from the turnpike road.

可以问下我丈夫,他曾在一月开车去新泽西的时候经历了一次冰冻的旅途,因为在路上大部分时间里我需要把我冒汗的脑袋伸出车窗外来透气。Ask my husband, who endured an icy drive on the New Jersey Turnpike in January because I needed to hang my sweaty head out the window most of the way.

我满足之一日'148th缅因男孩一个'他经济局局长他的旅发作日'船壳叛军带四个小时以上上日'收取通行税之道路一个'杀关于'的五千人时间。I met one of th' 148th Maine boys an' he ses his brigade fit th' hull rebel army fer four hours over on th' turnpike road an' killed about five thousand of 'em.

这份诉讼针对的是马萨诸塞州收费公路局,另外还有与该隧道的设计和建设等有关的9家公司。The lawsuit is against Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the suit also includes nine companies associated with the tunnel's design and the tunnel's construction.

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虽然从公路马车到水上船舶再到铁路机车,交通越发便利,但小城镇从其中获得的发展推动力却越来越少。From turnpike carriages to watercrafts to rail locomotives, transporting was more and more convenient, but the impetus of small towns received from that was less and less.