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看在特里尼达的孩子们。Look at children in Trinidad.

特立尼达岛上的西班牙港是国家的首都。Port of Spain , on Trinidad , is the capital.

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比斯尔及陈述了采用特立尼达计划的理由。Bissell renewed the case for the Trinidad plan.

特立尼达岛和新奥尔良市也不甘落后。Trinidad and New Orleans do their best to compete.

特多首都西班牙港市圣克莱尔区亚历山德拉街39号。Alexandra St. , St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

下面给大家放一首被誉为特立尼达和多巴哥Soca国王的歌。Below we take to the Trinidad and Tobago Soca known as a King song.

但愿明月千里寄相思,祝福您好人一生平安。Hopefully, the moon Trinidad send Love, Hello's life blessed peace.

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在他的画里,特立尼达的海是温暖的,热带花草密密丛丛。In his pictures of Trinidad the sea is warm and the foliage tropical.

直接还原铁DRI的供应商就是来自特立尼达的一家濒临倒闭的国有钢厂。His supplier of DRI was a struggling state-owned steel firm in Trinidad.

阳澄湖的夜景更是长烟一空,皓月千里。The night of Yangcheng town is smoke over the sky, Brighe moon trinidad.

冬季,千里冰封、银装素裹、原野空旷、禽兽出没。Winter, Trinidad frozen, snow-wrapped, open fields, animals come and go.

它们可以叫特立尼达和多巴哥共和国,它们可以是……随你怎么叫它们。they could be Trinidad and Tobago, they could be, you know, you name it.

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在两岛共和国,特立尼达经常被认为是母岛。In the dual-island republic, Trinidad is often seen as the mother island.

特立尼达是由来自圣卡洛斯教会的本地人建造的。Trinidad was founded by natives that came from the mission of San Carlos.

墨西哥访问之后,奥巴马将前往特立尼达和多巴哥的西班牙港,参加美洲峰会。From mexico, mr. obama heads to port of spain in trinidad for the summit of the americas.

望眼欲穿,千里云烟的思念。面朝北方,想你,在春暖花开的季节。Wistfully, Trinidad Yunyan miss. Facing the north, like you, in the spring of the season.

戴爱莲逝世时,他作为在特多的亲属代表参加了葬礼。He attended the funeral for Dai Ailian representing Dai's family from Trinidad and Tobago.

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而沃尔特·雷利当时年事已高,只得待在特立尼达岛的营地中。But Walter Raleigh, then an old man, stayed behind at a base camp on the island of Trinidad.

特立尼达和多巴哥共和国是由两个岛屿组成的国家,多巴哥岛则是其中较小,较静的那个。Tobago is the quieter, smaller, half of the dual-island carribean republic Trinidad and Tobago.

总统巴拉克奥巴马抵达特立尼达参加34国参加的美洲峰会。President Barack Obama has arrived in Trinidad for the 34-nation Summit of the Americas meeting.