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人是动物性和文化性的统一。Man is a entia of animality and civilization.

世界本身就是一个矛盾统一体。The world is an entia filled with contradictory.

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公平与效率是一个矛盾的统一体。Fairness and efficiency constitute an entia of contradictions.

“教”与“学”是个有机的统一体,我在教学中深切体验到这一点。My experience of teaching is "teaching" and "study" is a organic entia.

当代的欧洲的一体化是以历史上形成的客观统一体为基础的。Contemporary European unification is based on the external entia which formed historically.

重庆都市区同时体现着集中和分散相统一的空间发展过程。The urban space structure of Chongqing is an entia of the centralization and decentralization during the process of its development.

是指商品生产者的劳动,是提供给社会的,构成社会总劳动的组成部分,其劳动具有社会性质。In the society of commodity economy, science-technological labor is an entia of contradiction between private labor and social labor.

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水利建设与生态保护是一对矛盾对立统一体,人的主观能动性能够促进矛盾向好的方面转化。Hydraulic engineering and ecology protection are incompatible entia and human's subjectivity can alleviate the conflict even solve that problem.

研究要特别注重各个管理环节的连续性,并将设计管理的三个基本要素有机地整合到一起,置于整个企业设计管理的范畴。We should take attention to continuity of management and put three factors into one entia and at last put them into the category of design management.

文化和制度是企业文化研究中的重要命题,它们在企业管理体系中地位不同,但又共处于一个统一体中,相互联系、相互渗透、相互推动。Culture and system are important propositions in the enterprise culture research. They coexist in one entia relating, penetrating and promoting with each other.

老子的道作为物质性的世界规律和本质的统一体,其基本性质是唯物主义的,但也包含着某些唯心主义的因素。The Tao of Laozi is the entia of the rule and the essence of the corporality world. Its basic character is materialistic. But it has some diathesis of the mentalism.

党的十七大报告强调要加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置。It's a entia for function, technology and art. The People's Congress for seventeen emphasized that we should save energy resources and protect ecological environment.

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城市与工业的发展是相伴的,工业发展是城市发展的动力,城市发展是工业发展的支撑,二者是矛盾的统一体。The development of city and industry is concomitant. Industry development drives city development. City development is the support of industry development. They are ambivalent entia.

证券新闻的本质实际上反映出其内在的一种矛盾关系,是证券媒介的能动反映性和证券市场物质制约性的矛盾统一体。The nature of stock news reflects it's own contradiction relationship, that is, the contradiction entia of the stock media' s active reflectivity and stock market' s material conditionally.

和谐社会的经济基础是由和谐的生产资料所有制形式所决定的和谐的交换关系和和谐的分配关系的有机统一体。The economic foundation of a harmonious society is the entia of harmonious exchange relationship and harmonious distribution relationship determined by the harmonious ownership of production means.