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那就用那台复印机。Then use the xerox machine.

施乐有很长的创新历史。Xerox has a long history of innovation.

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我唔记得咗带我本护照嘅复印件嚟。I forgot to bring the Xerox of my passport.

这周我们宣布了一位公司新总裁。This week we announced a president of Xerox.

所以我们在施乐有许多活动。And so we have many things in Xerox research.

现在让我给大家一些施乐的市场背景。Now let me give you the Xerox market context.

我可以复印缩微胶卷上的一些资料吗?Can I get a xerox of some material on microfilm?

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你在近十年的早些时候,领导施乐公司实现了转型。Q. You led a turnaround at Xerox earlier this decade.

你不能带它回家,但可以复印你需要的内容。You cannot take it home, but you can xerox what you need.

你不能带回家,但可以复印你需要的内容。You can not take it home ,but you can xerox what you need.

现代图书馆也有影印室,和计算机房的。Modern libraries also have xerox rooms, and computer rooms.

因为我要复印点东西,我可以用一下施乐复印机吗?May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?

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施乐的裁员再次显示了科技行业的不安日益加剧。The Xerox cuts were the latest sign of growing unease in technology.

静电复印机,文秘好助手,百用不厌。The Xerox is a good office assistant, which you never get tired of using.

施乐公司表示,由于复印设备需求不断增加,营运利润增长一倍。Xerox Corp. doubled its profit on surging demand for its copying equipment.

静电复印就是用干燥摄影复制法复制图像材料。To xerox is to make copies of graphic material by a dry photocopying process.

钱德和乔伊迷上了搞复印的女孩,女孩邀他二人同去跳舞。Chandler and Joey gawk at the Xerox girl, who invites them both to a dance club.

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批发销售理光、富士、佳能、HP施乐、夏普、三星复印机及零配件。Wholesale Ricoh, Fuji, Canon, HP, Xerox , Sharp, Samsung copiers and spare parts.

在2000年我就同这支队伍一起0,直到今天,也奋斗在。And I with that team then that I built in 2000 Xerox to a person is still with Xerox today.

施乐公司使用非接触式,闪现光波热红外引信纳入专门碳粉。Xerox uses non-contact, flashed light wave IR heat fusing incorporating specialized toners.