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菜做得很入味。The dish is very tasty.

香肠是相当美味的。Sausage is pretty tasty.

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又开胃又可口.It's appetizing and tasty.

美味的瓦煲卤猪肉。Tasty Claypot Stewed Pork.

你煮的汤味道很好。Your soup is really tasty.

豆丹是一种美味佳肴。Doudan is a tasty delicacy.

又开胃又可口。It is appetizing and tasty.

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这鱼既新鲜又味美。The fish is fresh and tasty.

提拉米苏是一种很好吃的甜点。Tiramisu is a tasty dessert.

我喜欢肉丸子.他们是好吃的。I like meatballs.They're tasty.

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is tasty snack.

这下就能吃到香喷喷的米饭了。We can have some tasty rice now.

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家庭风格的豆腐好吃极了。The homestyle tofu is very tasty.

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is a tasty snack.

这狮子头又香又嫩。The lion's head is tender and tasty.

壳凸红脂块块香。Its shell bulging with red, tasty fat.

正如无花果陷儿饼干的味道,无花果是很独树一帜的。Tasty as are, figs stand on their own.

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真好吃呀!这个糖醋鱼很好吃。This sweet and sour fish is very tasty.

最美味的肉饭要用手抓着吃。The most tasty pilaf is eaten with hands.

您可以尝尝桑拿蛤蜊,味道很棒。You may try Sanna Clam. It is very tasty.