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尾座鹅毛笔直径。Tailstock quill dia.

在过去,大翎毛——鹅毛笔是用来写字的。Quill is used for writing in the past.

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大直径主轴羽毛是镀铬。Large diameter spindle quill is chromed.

鸪尾先生有一个小玩意儿叫火箭。Doctor Quill has a toy called The Rocket.

为文字传诸久远他们用金笔缕刻。Deserve their character with golden quill.

我,爱你们的人,也常是用这羽茎。I. that loved you . and often with my quill.

鸭子有他的剑,我有羽毛笔和羊皮纸。Duck has his sword, I my quill and parchment.

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墨水瓶把羊皮纸铺在提利昂面前并递给他羽毛笔。Inkpots placed the parchments before Tyrion and handed him the quill.

这是种便利的、用途广泛的刀刃,最初是为了修整羽毛笔发展起来的。It's a handy, all purpose blade originally developed to trim quill pens.

他又把笔蘸了蘸墨水,还有一打,然后他就完事了。He dipped the quill in the ink again. Another dozen notes, and he would be done.

油压夹持底座已经变压力于尾座尖端。The hydraulic clamping to bed has variable hydraulic pressure to tailstock quill.

仿佛我们能在朦胧中看到一个穿着落满灰尘的店员长袍的男人,一边轻弹着他的羽毛笔一边笑着。Somewhere, faintly, a man in a dusty clerk’s robe would flick his quill and laugh.

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甚至恩不里居给哈利的大翎毛笔也是特制而成。Even the elegant quill which Umbridge gives Harry to write was designed by the set designers.

用羽毛笔在写字纸上书写要求你小心翼翼、注意语法、整洁、克制思考。A quill pen on writing paper demands care, attention to grammar, tidiness, controlled thinking.

他潇洒地微微歪戴着他那顶军帽子,用一支削尖了的鹅毛管剔着牙齿。He wears his officer's cap at an angle, jaunty, and picks his teeth with a sharpened goose quill.

羽管笔因具有弹性并能修饰出细腻的线条而最受欢迎。Quill pens were most popular for their flexibility and ability to be sharpened to extreme fineness.

我们只须看插在帽带上的鹅毛笔,就可以认出他们来。I have seen them there. They are to be recognized by the quill pens which they wear in the cord of their hat.

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‘挑衅’怎么写?”罗恩问,一边盯着羊皮纸使劲摇羽毛笔,“不可能是‘桃畔’——”"How d'you spell 'belligerent'?" said Ron, shaking his quill very hard while staring at his parchment. "It can't be B — U — M —"

日本人使用一片类似于老式烙铁的热铁片将羽茎内部的松软物质烧掉。The Japanese use a hot piece of iron like an old-fashioned soldering iron to burn away the fluffy material from inside the quill.

活动套筒的开口一端具有莫氏锥度,可以用于安装顶尖或诸如钻头之类的各种刀具。The open end of the quill hole terminates in a Morse toper in which a lathe center, or various tools such as drills, can be held.