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这就是余华小说在空间形式上的并置链。That is the apposition chains on space.

红鼻驯鹿鲁道夫和红鼻子驯鹿是同位语最好的例子。Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition.

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关于科技英语中的同位语,有些问题常常存在争议。In scientific English, there is an endless debate an apposition.

我住在离北京不远的石家庄。"a city not far from Beijing" is in apposition to "Shijiazhuang".

在6个月随访,不完整的支架并置坚持在所有51个病灶。Incomplete stent apposition persisted in all 51 lesions at 6-month follow-up.

英语同位语有多种表现形式,体现出多种语义关系和语用功能。English apposition has various forms with various semantic relations and various pragmatic functions.

胶质细胞的结构变化为神经元质膜并列及突触的形式提供了有利条件。The glial processes retraction were advantageous to form the membrane apposition of neurons and synaptic structure.

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但是解决大部分的血流受限并不需要充分的支架扩张或良好的支架安置。But you do not have to have fill stent expansion or full stent apposition to get rid of the bulk of the flow limitation.

已经证明,HTR只有在亲密接触其周围骨组织时才会提高骨附着能力,如沿拔牙后的牙槽窝壁放置。HTR has been shown to increase bone apposition only when in close contact to adjoining bone, such as along an extraction socket wall.

与两对照组相比,实验组骨矿物质沉积率较高,植入物的降解速度较慢。The mineral apposition rate was higher and the degradation of material was lower in experiment group than those in the other two groups.

关于科技英语中的同位语,有些问题常常存在争议。本文试图就八个疑难问题作一些分析讨论。In scientific English, there is an endless debate an apposition. According to the knotty problems, this article puts forward eight points of view.

结论胰空肠吻合时采用褥式交锁缝合法可有效防止胰肠吻合口瘘。Conclusion Underwent circle Mattres apposition suture under jejunal chorion after pancreaticojejunostmy can prevent pancreatic fistula effectively.

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检查时应该让孕妇适度充盈膀胱,膀胱过度充盈时会使得膀胱前后壁平行,从而导致误诊前置胎盘。Extensive distention of the bladder may cause apposition of the anterior and posterior uterine walls and lead to an erroneous diagnosis of placenta previa.

近似空幻的个人化写真与正在发生的社会现实的公共体验有诗意的吻合。There is a poetic apposition of personalised portraiture that comes close to fantasy and the real evens happening now that are our shared public experience.

在第三磨牙有足够的萌出间隙时,由于第三磨牙长轴倾斜角度不理想且牙根不够直立时,第三磨牙也可以发生阻生。Similarly the lack of compensatory periosteal apposition at the posterior outline of the maxillary tuberosity could prevent eruption of the maxillary third molar.

在我国刑法中,经常有财产损失与人员伤亡并列作为某种法定刑适用对象的情况。The apposition of property loss and casualty often appeared in the criminal law of China as a situation of the objects to which certain statutory punishment applied.

尽管如此,睾酮加强骨膜和骨的附合,相对的雌激素的功能与之相反,这解释了为什么男性在青春期发育时骨骼生长得比女更为粗大。However, testosterone increases periosteal apposition of bone, whereas estrogen opposes it, which accounts for the larger skeleton achieved by the male during puberty.

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与此相一致,西方传统诗歌注重时间的线性发展,古典汉语诗歌则倾向于同时并置。Accordingly, traditional Western poetry pays more attention to the development of linear structures, whereas classical Chinese poetry emphasizes simultaneity apposition.

组织测量学研究显示,雷奈酸锶可以使成骨细胞的表面和骨的矿物质沉积率增加,而骨吸收的参数下降。In histomorphometric analysis, the osteoblast surface and mineral apposition rate increased whereas bone resorption parameters decreased in strontium ranelate treated patients.

药物支架植入后发生迟发血栓患者中支架位置不当发生率高,可能是造成该种不良事件的一个原因。Conclusions— Incomplete stent apposition is highly prevalent in patients with very late stent thrombosis after DES implantation, suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of this adverse event.