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公共汽车司机停下了车。The busman stopped the bus.

他不喜欢公共汽车司机这个工作。He doesn't like his job as a busman.

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这个汽车司机目击了一场恐怖的事故。The busman witnessed a terrible accident.

我父亲用了一天工作假来粉刷他的房子。My father spent a busman 's holiday painting his own house.

油漆匠以油漆自己的房屋来度过假日。The painter spent a busman 's holiday painting his own house.

这个油漆匠以油漆自己的房屋来度过假日。The painter spent a busman 's holiday painting his own house.

国庆节这位医生还得给患者诊病—真是一个繁忙的休假日。The doctor had to help the sufferers on national day-quite a busman 's holiday.

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当他们从车站正门出来时,他听到一个公共马车的车夫正在反复地叫着那个旅馆的名字。As they came out of the main entrance of the depot he heard it called anew by a busman.

司机们声称罢工将持续到工资和工作条件问题达面全面协议为止。The busman have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.

司机们声称罢工将持续到工资和工作条件问题达面全面协议为止。The busman have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay any working conditions.

这种情况不只限于宋先生,其它的出租车以及公共汽车司机中的大部分人都有这些疾病。This kind of circumstance not merely gentleman of the Song Dynasty of be confined to, the major person in the taxi of other and busman has these diseases.