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英勇的狗儿萨米与索�…Gallant Canines Sammy and Thor.

神人奥丁,索尔和芙蕾雅。The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.

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他们是欧丁神,雷神,司爱女神。The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.

我已经在处理了,但是这件事涉及到索尔和洛基。I have been, but this concerns Thor and Loki.

就算使上托尔的魔法,俺也一个字都不懂。I cannae understand a word, even wit' tha magic o' Thor.

索尔是北欧雷雨暴风雨神。The god of storm and thunder, Thor was a mighty fighter.

用他温柔的消融劝说,远胜过挥斧雷神的蛮横。Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.

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谁使用这把锤,若真配得上,就会拥有雷神之力。Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

也因为它潜在的毁灭性力量,托尔被迫戴着铁手套。Because of its potential destructive force, Thor is forced to wear an iron glove.

图中的仙宫山和托尔峰是攀岩爱好者梦想的场地。Mount Asgard, pictured here, and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.

现在雷神的弱点在于射程和移动力,同时也被强力反装甲单位克制。The current Thor is countered by range, mobility or certain powerful anti-armor units.

我们减小了雷神的碰撞体积是为了让他更可用。We have reduced the physical and pathing size of the Thor just to make him more useable.

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当前,雷神有飞溅损伤,而战略巡洋舰为直接攻击伤害。Currently, the Thor has splash damage, whereas the Battlecruiser has direct damage in its attack.

即使兰开夏郡的一家小书店还在书旁摆了块写着“本地作者”的牌子,也还是不行。Not even the copy in the tiny Lancashire shop with "Locale Au?thor" on a piece of cardboard next to it.

年轻的雷神与他兄弟洛基踏上了寻找传说中的圣剑之旅。The young Norse god Thor embarks on a quest with his brother Loki to find and recover a legendary sword.

说了这么多个人感觉雷神是比较具有优势的,但玩家的技术在这种重型单位交战当中占有比较大的影响性。Overall I think the Thor has the edge, but player skill is a big factor in these types of heavy-metal duels.

史诗帐户挪威探险家索尔海尔达尔的独奏1947跨太平洋航行在巴尔沙木筏。An epic account of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl's solo 1947 voyage across the Pacific on a balsa wood raft.

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其中有一些有着有趣的形状和名字,比如神的锤子,捕猎者和窗之墙。Some of the hoodoos have interesting shapes and names, like Thor 's Hammer, the Hunter, and the Wall of Windows.

国家博物馆收藏了苏丹所用之物的展品以及一些索尔·海尔达尔的考古发现。The National Museum houses exhibits of the sultans' belongings and some of Thor Heyerdahl's archaeological discoveries.

这部新片将重点讲述索尔和爱的关系感兴趣的培养,在地球上简了娜塔莉波曼。The film will focus on the relationship between Thor and love interest on earth Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman.