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所有情感的交织是什么?What is all affective interweave?

我会让我的两个生命在我生活中和谐交织着。I have two life plans and I let them interweave in harmony.

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秋雨的时候,我让它和梧桐的故事对话。I 'll let the voice interweave with the story of the Chinese parasols.

在这本布局恢宏的新小说中,错综复杂的家庭关系与一起谋杀阴谋交织在一起。Complex family relationships interweave with a murder plot in this ambitious new novel.

这些问题相当的复杂,它们与科学、健康和发展问题相互交织。These issues are complex, and interweave with other problems in science, health and development.

合金壳,尼龙带,进口机芯,圈口可选择多种颜色。Alloy case, Nylon interweave band, Japan quartz movt, changeable straps or dials for different colour.

在封闭的城池里,有四条大街、八条小街及七十二条小巷经纬交织在一起。In the closed city, four avenues, eight side streets and seventy-two lanes interweave with one another.

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并享受着这种冷漠,伴着颤抖来品味名著。We ought to remain a little aloof and take pleasure in this aloofness, the interweave of a given masterpiece.

吉尔吉斯斯坦是一个俄罗斯文化与远东文化交融的国家,民族文化自然是异彩纷呈。Kyrgyzstan is a place where Russian nature is gently replaced by the Eastern, and the cultures also interweave.

不同文化赋予动物不同含义,并将它们交织到语言之中,并形成各自独特的动物文化。Different culture gave different animals they interweave meaning, and languages, and formed the unique animal culture.

独特的景观和大自然恩赐与拥挤的人群和工业化的城市交织成一幅奇特的画卷。The unique landscapes and sceneries of divine Nature interweave with the pictures of overcrowded and industrialized cities.

该剧着力于四大家族命运交织的传奇人生,勾勒出一幅怀揣英雄主义理想的小人物众生相。The show focus on four big families interweave the legendary life of fate, the outline of a picture with heroic ideal of society.

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并且,统一性和非统一性共存、互相交织,有着向对方演化的发展趋势。Moreover, the Unification and the Ununification interweave with each other, they both have the trend of developing into the opposite.

结合交织调度算法,加入空包补偿,用软件方法设计并实现了基于MPEG-2传输流的多路复用器。Combining these with an interweave scheduling algorithm and inserting null packages, a software-based MPEG-2 transport stream multiplexer is designed.

它还明白了令组织兴盛的最佳途径是将自身与日常生活融为一体,让修理水管与制造炸弹并行不悖。It has learnt that the best way to prosper is to interweave itself with daily life, seeing no distinction between fixing the plumbing and making bombs.

毛丝交织物同时具有羊毛和蚕丝的许多优良特性,但由于羊毛纤维的刚性较大,使织物有刺痒感,而且易起毛起球。The interweave fabric of wool and silk has some excellent properties, while it has scratchiness and pilling propensity because of wool fiber's rigidity.

在我们赖以生存的城市空间中,不同时间与空间的图像交织在一起构成一个完整的、连续的城市形象。In the urban space that we depended on for existence, different time and pictures of the space interweave together, form an intact, continuous urban image.

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他们的消费状态是我国转型期经济社会发展和人口问题共同交织的结果。Their consumption condition is the result that socioeconomic development and people's question interweave together in transformation period in our country.

解人语,懂心思,华丽从容,摇曳生辉,层叠交错,交织成一首最暖和最撩人的歌。See person sign, know state of mind, luxuriant and easy, sway unripe brightness, cascade crisscross, interweave the gentlest most the song of hold up person.

中国-东盟自由贸易区是在经济全球化与区域经济一体化相互交织的国际环境中孕育的。Today, economy globalization interweave with regional economy integration. Such kind of international environment gives birth to the ASEAN-China Free TradeArea.