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阿难,心或者有实体,或者没有。Ananda , either the mind has a substance or none.

阿难。从是天中,有二歧路。Ananda , from that heaven there are two ways to go.

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他们包裹了国王的身体,阿难,用新的布。They wrap the body of a king of kings, Ananda , in new cloth.

然而,阿难了解到,实际的情形并非如此。However, Ananda will realize that, in actuality, this is not so.

他吩咐他的门徒阿难在两棵婆罗双树之间准备一张床。He told his disciple Ananda to prepare a bed between two Sal trees.

阿难奉佛陀的命令,到勇军王子的家来。On the orders of the Buddha, Ananda came to Prince Yong Jun's house.

尊者阿难只能做这样的回应,就告辞了。The Venerable Ananda could only provide such answer and bid Farwell.

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佛祖一直追问了六个问题,阿难最后终于明白了。Buddha had cross-questioned six times, and Ananda understood finally.

阿难了解他的天性太下劣,唯有允许他的请求。Ananda knew his nature had been too mean. He had to grant his request.

阿难,如果是这样的话,为什么心看不到身体内的东西?Ananda , if that is so why can the mind not see what is inside the body?

阿难。如是众生入三摩地,要先严持清净戒律。Ananda , beings who want to enter samadhi must first firmly uphold the pure precepts.

阿难,如果只有眼睛就能看见,那么一个死人应该也能看见。Ananda , if the eyes alone were able to see, then a dead person should be able to see.

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阿难。是娑婆界,有八万四千灾变恶星。Ananda , this Saha World has eighty-four thousand changeable and disastrous evil stars.

等大家坐下来,喝过茶以后,阿难才以严肃的态度,沉重的声音,向勇军说道。After everybody sat down, following teatime, Ananda spoke to Yong Jun in a serious tone.

想要报名参加的人必须已学过阿南达玛迦修行法门的静坐第二课。Those wishing to register must have received their Second Lesson in Ananda Marga sadhana.

并且说,第二次时间,尊者阿难以同样的词语肯请圣尊。And again, the third time, the venerable Ananda besought the Blessed One in the same words.

当尊者阿难走了以后,魔鬼,邪恶者,走进了圣尊那里。And when the Venerable Ananda had gone away, Mara, the Evil One, approached the Blessed One.

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阿难对佛陀非常专注而且因此他非常受这件事情的影响。Ananda was very much attached to the Buddha and hence he was greatly affected by the incident.

最初被阿难拦截,佛陀无意中打听到,叫那位婆罗门到他这一边。Being earlier turned away by Ananda , Buddha overheard this and called the Brahmin to his side.

一时,尊者阿难住在舍卫城附近的祇树给孤独精舍。On one occasion Ven. Ananda was staying near Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery.