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同时感谢丽紫·麦德录制磁带!Thanks also to Lizzie Madder for the tape!

她一直与大富翁为伴,过着花天酒地的生活。The world is racketing around at an ever madder pace.

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她摇晃着鹦鹉,鹦鹉反而变得更加疯狂和粗鲁。She shook the bird and the bird got madder and more rude.

结果他们对你越来越不满意,但就是不跟你说。They just get madder and madder atyou, but don't tell you.

当我发怒的时候,他逃离了——却发现我越来越愤怒,越来越沮丧。While I raged, he disengaged—a pulling away that found me madder and more frustrated.

康屏比那些在阿富汗政策上给予奥巴马建议的预言家们更疯么?Is Camping madder than the augurers who have been counseling Obama on his Afghan policy?

以染100克的羊毛为例,你可能需要多达50克的干茜草根。To dye 100 grams of wool for example, you might need up to 50 grams of dried madder root.

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在1977年i交易我的金饰,开拓木材刨花,茜草根和气味的热点树脂。In 1977 I traded my goldsmith's forge for wood shavings , madder root and the smell of hot resin.

我需要更疯狂的音乐,更浓醇的美酒,但当宴会结束,灯火阑珊。I cried for madder music and for stronger wine, But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire.

安茜微笑着真诚的说到,“泽宇哥,小诗,祝你们幸福哦。Anne's madder smiles making reference to of sincerity, "Ze elder brother Yu, small poem, hope you pleasure."

老师说,“答对了玛丽。你可以走了。”江尼更生气了。玛丽先回答了。The teacher said, "That's right Mary. You can go. " Johnny was even madder than before. Mary answered first.

一谈到自己的工作,瑞茜卡立刻变得非常健谈,渐渐进入了本职角色。On speaking of own work, the Rui madder card immediately becomes very talkative and gradually gets into this job role.

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尽管科尼比艾丽丝.拉奎那更加疯癫,但却也在叛乱中疯得更为成功和持久。Kony, though even madder than Alice Lakwena, is mad in a way that has made for a more successful and lasting insurgency.

了解如何添加玫瑰茜草透明釉作为在这个自由录像艺术教训一幅水彩画底漆。Learn how to add a rose madder transparent glaze as a base coat for a water color painting in this free video art lesson.

思付间,她看到琥珀带了个穿着茜红色步步高升杭绸袍子的高个少年走了进为。Think to pay, adidas Originals JS Panda, she sees the tall youth whom the amber take to be dressed in madder red to rise steadily Hang silk fabric robe walk to enter for.

分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对亚麻织物的预媒、后媒法染色性能。With metal salts and organic acids as mordant, the dyeing properties of madder fabric dyed with sorghum red, a natural dye, were studied using pre-mordant and post-mordant methods.