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于是,我来到湖边。Then I nete to the lakeside.

湖滨浴场尽显海滨神韵。The lakeside beach has the essence of seaside beaches.

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在湖边有很多好饭店。There are lots of good restaurants all around the lakeside.

湖滨亚高山草甸为青海重要牧场。Lakeside subalpine meadow in Qinghai important for the ranch.

在这个地方你可以欣赏到比很多湖边宫廷宾馆更好的景色。It can boast better views than many of the lakeside palace hotels.

湖中大小岛屿48个,连同沿湖的山峰和半岛,号称72峰。The 48 islets in the lake and the peaks along the lakeside make up 72 peaks.

滨湖浴场波平沙细,湖水清澈,空气清新,是淡水浴、阳光浴、沙浴的理想场所。The bathing lakeside is an ideal site for freshwater bath, sunbath and sand bath.

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然后继续直到你找到这些令人愉快的长亭和迷人的茶室。Continue until you find these delightful lakeside pavilions and a charming tea house.

不过不管这种疫苗什么时候研究出来,对于鄱阳湖周围的数千万的村民来说,或许也已经为时已晚了。Whenever that comes, for thousands of China’s lakeside villagers, it will be too late.

在巴希尔达镇的湖边,一所大学设立了培养水手的学院。A school for sailors has been set up at a university in the lakeside town of Bahir Dar.

湖畔中学允许学生们按自己兴趣自由发挥,去通达他们希望的极至。Lakeside allowed students to pursue their own interests, to whatever extent they wished.

但当到那时,对于成千上万的中国湖边村民来说,这将是太晚了。Whenever that comes, for thousands of China ' s lakeside villagers, it will be too late.

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萨科奇于上周五抵达沃尔夫伯勒,并与家人在一个湖边别墅下榻。Sarkozy arrived Wolfeboro on Friday and is staying with his family in a lakeside mansion.

会谈持续了大约一个小时,之后她被送返她的湖边居所。The meeting lasted about an hour, after which she was driven back to her lakeside residence.

王子划着船王子来到梦境中的森林和湖泊,这里好像是从未有人类踏足过的世外桃源。The Prince boats to the fantastic forest and lakeside which is exactly the same in his dream.

对洪泽湖西部湖滨生物多样性保护的资金来源进行了筹划。The capital of the biodiversity protection of the west lakeside zone of Hongze lake is planed.

最为奇妙的是,湖边还坐落着一个庞大的现代派的雕塑群。it is the most wonderful that there are a huge modern sculpture group located on the lakeside.

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沿苏州环城高速或湖滨大道行驶,30分钟即可到达苏州市中心。It merely takes 30 minutes to Suzhou center along Suzhou Roundcity Expressway or lakeside road.

环湖宾馆位于美丽的北湖之畔,是三星级涉外宾馆。Lakeside Hotel is a three-star hotel which situated on the bank with lovely views of North-lake.

我是想去,但从拉瓜纳开车到细头湖要两个小时。I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my place by the beach to her lakeside mountain home.