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数字读取器提供直接的百万分率的高浓缩文本。Digital readout provides direct concentration readings in ppm.

公私混合如何提高结核病检出率并如何减少诊断延误?How does PPM increase case detection and reduce diagnostic delays

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该起搏器脉宽测量相结合的PPM公司测量。The pacer width measurement is combined with the PPM measurement.

验证了在无线光通信系统中,PPM调制系统性能要优于OOK调制系统的性能。PPM has better performance than OOK modulation in the wireless optical systems.

模式应答信息包括前同步脉冲与PPM调制数据。The S mode reply information includes pre-synchronization pulse and PPM original data.

政治家和科学家们一直在讨论二氧化碳达到多大含量能停止下来。That has risen to 385 ppm today, and politicians and scientists have debated at what level it could be stabilized.

研究者所使用饲料中三聚氰胺的最高含量大约是100ppm,这导致母鸡所产鸡蛋中三聚氰胺的含量增加到大约1.45ppm。The highest levels of melamine in the feed, about 100 ppm, resulted in egg contamination levels of about 1.45 ppm.

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文中首先介绍PCM与PPM两种编码,并分析其应用于航模领域的区别。First, this paper introduced the PCM coding and PPM coding, and analyzed the difference between of them in aeromodelling.

同时也就PPM解调技术展开了讨论,阐述了PPM硬判决解调的优缺点。PPM demodulation while also initiated discussions to explain the advantages and disadvantages of PPM hard-decision demodulation.

公私混合改善了贫困、边缘化和最弱势人群向医疗服务提供者求医的机会。PPM improves access to treatment by involving health care providers from whom the poor, marginalized and most vulnerable seek care.

雀巢生产的奇巧巧克力棒也发现含有百万分之2.89三聚氰胺,使得在首尔检测出含有三聚氰胺的产品超过10种。Kit Kat bars from Nestle were also found carrying 2.89 ppm of melamine, bringing the total number of melamine-detected items to 10 in Seoul.

和一百年前相比这是个极大的变化,当时二氧化碳浓度仅为300ppm,80万年以来这个数字一直保持在300之下。This is a big change from a hundred years ago, when the concentration was just 300 ppm. below which it had stayed for more than 800,00 years.

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根据食品药品管理局的规定,他们不会直接规定化妆品的铅含量,但他们一定会规定化妆品的着色剂含铅量在20PPM范围。According to the FDA, they do not directly regulate the amount of lead in cosmetics but they do regulate the lead in cosmetic colorants at 20 ppm.

项目组合管理的业务管理活动的关键目标是从商业角度来定义一个范围并验证组合的生存力。The key objective of PPM business management activities is to define the scope and validate the portfolio's viability from a business perspective.

有些科学家曾经说,如果大气二氧化碳浓度达到450/百万,平均气温可能跃升4华氏度。Some scientists have said that average temperatures could jump by as much as 4 degrees Fahrenheit if the atmospheric carbon dioxide level reaches 450 ppm.

实现用SDRAM运行nios,同时用SRAM保存摄像头数据,基于多相结构的信道化接收机,随机调制信号下的模拟ppm。Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM, Channelized receiver based on multi-phase structure, Random ppm modulated analog signal unde.

经PPM调制的超宽带信号经高斯白噪声信道的系统仿真,给出了时域和频域图。After the PPM modulation ultra-wide band signal after the Gauss white noise channel system simulation, and give the time domain and the frequency range chart!

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插穗截剪好后,用500ppm茶乙酸或200ppmABT生根粉蘸5秒钟,随即用湿稻草遮盖或用农膜包裹,防止干燥。Cuttings cut shear good, with 500 or 200 ppm tea acid ppmABT ABT dip 5 seconds, then covered with wet straw or wrapped with plastic sheeting to prevent drying.

一个好的项目组合管理方法的实际结果是一个可以对整个商业战略作出重大贡献的更加可控的环境和商业单元。The net effect of a good PPM approach is a more controlled environment and a business unit that can make a stronger contribution to the overall business strategy.

通过垫铜皮、自制流道板紧固件并寻找热电偶测温位置,从而解决了该模具热流道漏料,产品废品率高,产品质量难以控制的难题。Finally, we solved the problems aforesaid to caused high PPM by methods of setting copper sheets, processing fasteners and found the positions of the thermometers.