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因此,中段尿培养在产前检查中实属必要。So, mid-stream clean catch urinary culture are necessary in antepartum examination.

产前出血对急诊剖宫产率、新生儿体质量有一定影响。Antepartum haemorrhage affects the incidence of emergency caesarean section and birthweight.

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汉族与回族妇女产前产后之间的常规凝血检测指标各项相比差异均无显著性。No significant differences were found between the Han and the Hui people both in antepartum and postpartum.

本研究是为了考察产前和产时死胎发生的危险因素的差异。To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the antepartum ersus intrapartum periods.

本研究是为了考察产前和产时死胎发生的危险因素的差异。To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the antepartum versus intrapartum periods.

美国大学的妇产科医生推荐产前协议,结果成为一个正在进行的研究。Antepartum protocols are recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as a result of ongoing studies.

产后抑郁组产后IL-6水平显著高于正常组,产前T_4显著低于正常组、TSH高于正常组。The serum level of postpartum IL-6 in PPD group was higher, however, antepartum T4 level was lower and antepartum TSH level was higher.

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方法对417例高危儿,从分娩方式、母亲孕期、产时并发症、胎龄、出生体重和血气检测值等进行回顾性分析。Methods 417 neonates in delivery, maternal events in antepartum and postpartum, gestation age, weigh and arterial blood gas were studied.

目的探讨远程胎儿监护网络在妊娠期糖尿病产前监测的临床价值。Objective To investigate the clinical value of remote fetal monitoring network in the antepartum management of gestational diabetes mellitus.

主要可引起早产、羊水胎粪污染、死胎及产时胎儿窘迫、死产,其病因及发病机制至今不清。It is associated with a high rate of premature delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, antepartum fetal death, and fetal anoxia and stillbirth.

产后抑郁组产前抑郁、焦虑、敌对、强迫、人际关系敏感性因子分均显著高于正常组。The factor scores of antepartum depression , anxiety , . rivalry, compulsion and relation sensibility in PPD group were all higher than control group.

催产素使用不当是胎盘早剥的诱因,症状不典型、产程活跃期进展过快是早剥漏诊的主要原因,对围产儿仍有较大影响。The atypical clinical appearances and short active phase of labor are the cause of antepartum misdiagnosed. Atypical abruptio placentae is an important causes of perinatal mortality.

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妊娠晚期羊水过少确诊后,应加强产前监护,及时发现胎儿窘迫,及时处理,降低新生儿窒息率及围产儿死亡率。If we could strengthen antepartum monitoring, find and treat fetal distress as early as possible, it is possible to reduce incidence of newborn asphyxia and perinatal fetus mortality.

说明VST的使用对降低NST的假阴性率,唤醒胎儿、缩短监护时间,提高产前胎儿监护质量具有一定的意义。Overall, it is showed that VST had some effects on decreasing NST false negative rate, awakening fetus, shortening monitoring time and improving the quality of antepartum fetal monitoring.

产前抑郁的发生率较高,其中低龄、社会状况欠佳是其产前抑郁高发的主要影响因素,且可能进一步引起低龄孕妇妊娠期高血压疾病发生率增高。The incidence of antepartum depression in the younger group was higher. Young maternal age and low social-economic status were risk factors of antepartum depression of young pregnant women.

妊娠期间对应激环境更敏感,应激后5-羟色胺及受体表达量少可能是妊娠期更易出现抑郁障碍的机制之一。We have concluded that pregnancy is sensitive to stress environment, and the decreased expression of 5-HT and receptor in hippocampal area may be one of the mechanism of antepartum depression.