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所以,这是个交换So, it's a tradeoff.

这是一种折衷。That’s the tradeoff.

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这就是我所说的设计折衷。That's what I mean by tradeoff.

加密是速度和安全性之间的折衷。Encryption is a tradeoff between speed and security.

总的来说,法师护甲确实很强力,但这是一种交易。FWIW, Mage Armor is quite powerful, but it's a tradeoff.

如果你继续这样下去,你就会明白这就是设计折衷。If you go this way, then you know that this is the tradeoff.

所以你必须做一个抉择,就像阴阳之间的。So you have a tradeoff almost it's almost like a Yin and a Yang.

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显示文件夹中项目数时的速度折衷。Speed tradeoff for when to show the number of items in a folder.

代价是你使用的时候会不停受到淤伤。The tradeoff is that you take nonlethal damage when you invoke it.

所以,服装商通常需要在价格和利润之间进行折衷。Therefore, clothing usually need to tradeoff between price and profit.

实时的要求常常是时间和缓冲空间的折衷。Often the real-time requirement is a tradeoff of time and buffer space.

从某些方面来讲,这是被考虑的一个好的折衷方案。In some cases this is considered a good tradeoff. The overhung coil, Fig.

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我们对你们成绩回升的那么快很自豪,但你需要权衡。And we pride ourselves in giving you a rapid return, but there is a tradeoff.

在数据中心的设计中需要权衡建设成本与运行成本的问题。We need to make tradeoff between the cost of buying and runing IT equipments.

当鼠标指向声音文件图标时预览的速度折衷。Speed tradeoff for when to preview a sound file when mousing over a files icon.

这个折衷允许框架大幅度加快应用程序开发的速度。This tradeoff allows the framework to drastically speed up application development.

“这是一个折衷方案,你或者获得高效率,或者得到高通量,”哈格尔施泰因说。"It's a tradeoff. You either get high efficiency or high throughput," says Hagelstein.

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其功耗和传输延迟时间介于两种比较器之间。Its power dissipation and propagation delay time are a tradeoff of the two comparators.

“这是一个折衷方案,你或者获得高效率,或者得到高通量,”哈格尔施泰因说。"It's a tradeoff. You either get high efficiency or high throughput, " says Hagelstein.

系统配置是根据价格和性能之间的权衡进行选择的。The system configurations were selected based on a tradeoff between price and performance.