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他因超速行车被捕。He was copped for speeding.

他们因超速行驶而受到罚款。They were fined for speeding.

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他因超速行车被警方记录在案。He was booked on a charge of speeding.

在城市街道超速行驶应受到处罚。Speeding on city streets is penalized.

这位司机又被指控超速行驶。The driver was recharged with speeding.

你有没有因超超速曾被人拦截?Have you ever been stopped for speeding?

警察拦住了一个超速行驶的司机。The constable stopped a speeding driver.

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你还有张超速罚单要付。You still have a speeding ticket to pay.

研究表明,超速行驶耗更多的油。Research shows that speeding uses more gas.

疾驰的汽车差点撞上那个行人。The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.

切碎涉及加快扫描琶音。Shredding involves speeding up sweep arpeggios.

那个司机因超速被警察惩罚。The policeman punished the driver for speeding.

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那风景展现在我们面前。The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane.

慢点儿,你可能会拿到超速罚单的。Slow down there. You might get a speeding ticket.

加速广域网中的SharePoint性能Speeding up SharePoint performance across the WAN

司机因超速行驶付了五十元的罚金。The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.

司机因超速行驶付了五十美元的罚金。The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.

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这人跳到旁边以躲避疾驶的卡车。The man jumped aside to dodge the speeding truck.

多年以后,有个女人因超速而被查照。Years later, a woman was pulled over for speeding.

几年后,有个女人因超速而被查照。Years later, a women was pulled over for speeding.