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那孩子弄乱了床罩。The child had disarrayed the bedclothes.

你应该使被褥保持干净、干燥。You should keep your bedclothes clean and dry.

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军毯遮盖着大山的儿子。Blankets and bedclothes a child of the mountains.

大山是山之子的地毯和床单。Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain.

窗帘首先着了火,接着被单也着火了。First the curtains took fire and then the bedclothes.

首先窗帘着火了,之后床单也跟着燃烧起来。First the curtains caught on fire and then bedclothes.

窗帘首先着了火,接着被褥也烧着了。First the curtains caught on fire and then the bedclothes.

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冲洗无效的枕套,床单,毛巾和床单。Rinse invalid's pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes.

床上用品着了火,整栋房子都可能被烧毁。The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.

女孩在电子邮件上问我,有什么方法可以令被窝暖一些?A girl asks me in the email about the way which can make the bedclothes warmer.

相信本商店的床上用品会给您带来温馨与甜蜜。The bedclothes handled by this shop will surely bring you warmth and sweetness.

然而,某一天,这座有两条腿的人肉电暖炉走了,她的被窝从此变得冷冰冰。However, one day the electric heater of flesh leaves , her bedclothes becomes cold.

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市中心南京东路888号房屋一幢,前为丽华床上用品公司。No. 888 East Nanjing Road. Downtown Street Formerly occupied by Li Hua Bedclothes Co.

供旅客使用之寝具,应于每位客人使用后换洗,并保持清洁。Have bedclothes of the guest rooms cleansed and replaced with clean ones after each use.

洗漱室,淋浴,空调,电话,宽带网络,家具和卧具。Washing room, shower, air-conditioner, telephone, broadband network, furniture and bedclothes.

各种花卉图案同家具以及床上用品亮色的直线条形成强烈的对比。Various floral prints contrast with bright colorful straight lines in furniture and bedclothes.

“现在躺上去不会感到舒服,”鲁基森纳斯指出,在使用浮床前还需要放上床垫和被褥。The architect admitted that it is not comfortable at the moment. It needs cushions and bedclothes before use.

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心脏附近多处伤口流出的鲜血将床单浸湿,身体已经冰冷。Blood had oozed onto the bedclothes from a number of wounds near his heart. The body was already growing cold.

“现在躺上去还不会感到舒服,”鲁基森纳斯承认,并提醒睡上去前得先铺上床垫和被褥。"It is not comfortable at the moment, "admits Ruijssenaars, adding it needs cushions and bedclothes before use.

“现在躺上去不会感到舒服,”鲁基森纳斯指出,在使用浮床前还需要放上床垫和被褥。"It is not comfortable at the moment," admits Ruijssenaars, adding it needs cushions and bedclothes before use.