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他穿制服。He wears a uniform.

看一眼那个穿制服的家伙。Lamp that guy in uniform.

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丝兰香味和均匀。Yucca flavor and uniform.

爱是当你的人穿着军礼服时!Love is your man in uniform.

你能想像一下他穿制服的样子吗?Can you fancy him in uniform?

他穿上制服显得很英俊。He looks handsome in uniform.

穿上你的女童军制服。Wear your Girl Scout uniform.

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他穿他的制服看起来极妙。He looks great in his uniform.

李夫人正在买这件制服。Mrs Li is buying this uniform.

他的制服上镶有金色饰带。His uniform is laced with gold.

人会为了那制服而死的!Men have died for that uniform.

什么是匀速圆周运动?What is uniform circular motion?

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制服面料,牛仔面料,衬衫面料。Fabrics for uniform shirt, jeans.

我没有喜好脱号衣。I don't like wearing the uniform.

我对穿军装的男士都有种特殊的好感。I have a thing for men in uniform.

他穿着制服显得很帅。He looks quite smart in his uniform.

他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。That uniform makes them look absurd.

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果实梨形,坐瓜均匀集中。Fruits and melons uniform pear-shaped.

上班要穿制服。Please wear uniform during work hours.

厨师们拒绝穿制服。These cooks refused to wear a uniform.