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桶内装着牛奶。The pail holds milk.

这支枪能装六发子弹。The gun holds six shells.

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同样对于阿舒尔。The same holds for Ashur.

每只小塑料筒装2公斤。A plastic keg holds 2 Kgs.

一个弹药箱包括5个弹夹。An ammo box holds 5 clips.

他就持有这种信念。He holds right this belief.

这个规定仍然有效。This rule still holds good.

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那是恐惧在作崇。What holds us back is fear.

一个死士将她挡住。A dead private holds up she.

拧狼耳,即骑虎难下。He holds a wolf by the ears.

帆布包更轻,而且容纳空间更大。It's lighter and holds more.

这个瓶子装得下一升。This bottle holds one litre.

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书中自有黄金屋可以翻成。A book holds a house of gold.

但我知谁掌管明天,我也知谁牵我手。And I know who holds my hand.

如今他肩披上尉军衔。He holds the rank of Captain.

是,我知谁牵我手。Yes I know who holds my hand.

但我知谁管着明天。But I know who holds tomorrow.

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他对种族问题的观点很鲜明。He holds strong views on race.

他把书拿倒了。He holds the book topsy-turvy.

他保持着跳远的记录。He holds the long-jump record.