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外观和装饰。Look and décor.

一些装饰的细节。Some decor elements.

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米米小屋装潢得还不错。Mimi cabin decor quite well.

因为馆里的装饰比以前严肃了许多。More serious is the gallery’s decor.

亚历克斯,23岁,格里芬,4岁,简直是家居布置的克星。Alex, age 23, and Griffin, age 4, are hell on decor.

装饰和厨房工作台面一年要更换两次。Decor and countertop changes are required twice a year.

店内绿色苏里亚家庭装饰和阅读产品评论。Surya green home decor store and read "product" reviews.

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装潢风格非常简单——白色墙上镶着漆成黑色的裙板。The decor is simple—black lacquer panels on white walls.

全红的墙纸和维多利亚时代风格的装修决定了情调。Red flocked wallpaper and a Victorian decor set the tone.

BVLGARI宝格丽蓝色塑框光学眼镜,搭配水晶及珐琅装饰。BVLGARI blue icon optical frames with crystal and enamel décor.

酒店经过完全翻新并且拥有优雅的装饰。Hotel Joli has been completely refurbished and has elegant décor.

格里纳沃特的创作灵感常常来自婴儿卧室的装饰品。Greenawalt often createsdesigns inspired by the baby's bedroom décor.

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餐厅装饰入时,令人感觉舒适,里面还附有酒吧和咖啡厅。The decor is comfortable and stylish. There is also a bar and a cafe.

吉祥图案和宝塔壁饰皆是中国风格的形式。Auspicious designs and pagodas as wall decor are all model chinoiserie.

公寓拥有简洁而现代的装潢,铺有瓷砖地板并配有木制家具。It features simple, modern décor with wooden furniture and tiled floors.

但是里面的装饰和室内自动贩卖机确实非同寻常。The decor and in-room vending machines were unusual, to say the least. ?

尝试着增加设计美感有助于为房屋装修注入色彩。Helps infuse color to a house decor to attempt to increase design beauty.

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看到我们的好选择锻铁装饰您的生活环境。See our nice selection of wrought iron decor for your living environment.

花园的倒影和丰富多彩的内部装饰争奇斗艳。The reflection of the garden is emulated by the color palette of the decor.

BVLGARI宝格丽黑色塑框太阳眼镜,装饰顶级珠宝及水晶。BVLGARI black camouflage acetate sunglasses with high jewelry crystal decor.