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令人难以置信的温暖风格的仿毛皮领子。Faux fur collar for fabulously warm style.

我们家恰好也是富甲天下。I also happened to come from a fabulously wealthy family.

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巴菲特是个谨慎、低调并拥有惊人财富的家伙。Mr Buffett is a modest, laid-back and fabulously wealthy guy.

辛巴达就是这样变得远近驰名、富可敌国吗?Is this how Sinbad had become so famous and fabulously wealthy ?

一条太平街,将长沙千年来的文化尽情挥洒。Taiping Street fabulously displays Changsha's thousand-year-old tradition.

这些传奇一样的公司经营模式都是世界上独一无二的。These are indeed fabulously innovative companies with world-beating business models.

因为某种原因,紫色调几乎跟所有的肤色和眼珠颜色都超级搭。For some reason, purple tones work fabulously with almost every skin tone and eye color.

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他的后代也一直贫穷,而著名美术家的继承人则享受着华服美食的富有生活。His family remains poor, while the heirs of famous artists have become fabulously wealthy.

现在,在东京的郊外,总是可以看到这个非常受欢迎的日本卡通人物。The fabulously popular Japanese cartoon character can now always be found on the outskirts of Tokyo.

富有的西班牙女公爵阿尔巴已经惊人地签字放弃她庞大的财富,包括十多座城堡,无价的艺术品,大片的。Spain's fabulously rich Duchess of Alba has signed away her enormous wealth, string of palaces, priceless.

同一年,尼采遇见了作曲家理查德德·瓦格纳,并将他描述为“一个惊人地乐观与热烈的人”。In the same year, hemet the composer Richard Wagner whom he described as "a fabulously vivacious, fiery man".

祝贺禾丰牧业股份有限公司十年来在中国饲料界取得的惊人的成功。Congratulations to Wellhope Agri-tech Corporation on a fabulously successful first decade in the feed industry.

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RAZR手机令人难以置信的成功,它的尖端设计是使用各种颜色这也源于这一发现。The fabulously successful RAZR phone, whose cutting-edge design comes in a variety of colors, grew out of this finding.

即使在一个从未听说过难以置信的宗教信仰和神庙的国家,这笔财富的庞大程度仍然使许多人惊讶。Even in a society where fabulously rich religious trusts and temples aren't unheard of, the extent of the wealth surprised many.

和一位美艳绝伦,富可敌国,并且认为我是自从面包片问世之后最伟大的人的金发国际明模在巴哈马生活。Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.

毕竟,这世界上能够在眼角出现皱纹、脂肪开始囤积之前让人如此难以致信地成为亿万财富的拥有者又有几个呢?After all, how many people in this world are lucky enough to become so fabulously wealthy before crow's feet and cellulite settle in?

那是一个浪漫神奇的地方,遍地都是神话般的城堡和奶油色的堡垒,它们都带有几何形的树篱和精致的花圃。It is fabulously romantic, littered with fairy-tale castles and cream-colored fortresses with their geometric hedges and exquisite parterres.

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就如同出自当地高明工匠之手、密而出奇复杂的腕表,德国东部前矿乡格拉叙提称得上是稀世珍品。Like the intricate, fabulously complicated watches made by its skilled artisans, the former mining town of Glashuette in east Germany is a rarity.

惊人的,顽固和独立,费城福克斯失去了,因为有钱有势惊人莱特富特在华盛顿州的家庭,她最好的朋友。Stunning, stubborn, and independent, Philadelphia Fox lost her best friend because of the fabulously rich and powerful Lightfoot family of Washington state.

由此可见,人们要不就是急着想学会计算机,要不就是计算机相比于其他事情太容易学会了。The conclusion is that either people are in a big rush to learn about computers, or that computers are somehow fabulously easier to learn than anything else.