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这样至少你显得高贵。At least you appear classy.

你认为梁咏琪很有气质?Do you think Gigi is a classy girl?

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纯白的篮子看起来颇有质感。A pure white basket seems very classy.

但有一点东西优雅爵士乐和时髦。Something a bit classy yet jazzy and funky.

男朋友和最好的朋友大打出手?。The Boyfriend And The Best Friend?- Pretty Classy.

只要您参与,我们栏目组就会送出精美的纪念品。As long as you participate, you'll get a classy present from us.

用象牙白的牛皮纸打印商务邀请函为的是给人漂亮的感觉。Print the business invitation on ivory vellum paper for a classy touch.

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与艺术家的浪漫约会,没什么比蓬蓬裙更动人。There's nothing more classy than wearing a tutu on a date with an artist.

中度酒体,口感悠长,收结雅致,柔软。Great varietal length on the mid-palate and finishing with a classy , soft.

耳环上镶有大量透明密镶水晶,展现时尚别致的醉人风采。Set with numerous clear crystals in pavé, the earrings are classy and chic.

唯一取悦有品位的女士的方法就是给她两张看手枪表演的门票。The only way to bag a classy lady is to give her two tickets to the gun show.

对,我同意。她很优雅。而且对于时尚的品味也很不错。Yeah, I agree. She's really classy. And she has really good sense of fashion.

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美貌、聪慧、一流大学的学生,有抱负的演员或模特。Beautiful, intelligent, and classy college students, aspiring actresses or models.

莎拉全身雪白,迈克全身乌黑,他们都非常地漂亮,是典型的波斯猫,而莎柔去是一只杂交的猫。Sasha is all white, Micha is all black. They are both gorgeous, classy Persian cats.

曼迪对老电影并无特别的兴趣,但是镶在框里面的照片看起来很漂亮。Mandy didn’t get the old-movie thing, but the pictures looked classy in their frames.

我们已经有洋芋片、沾酱、中式小吃之类的东西。那你带一些较精致的东西来吗?We've got chips, dip, Chinese snacks and all that. Could you bring something classy ?

我们昨天晚上去了牛津联盟酒吧,这绝对是很棒的经典借口。We went the Oxford Union bar, which was absolutely amazing in its sheer classy pretension.

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丘纳德线继续提供经典优雅我们习惯于看到他们。Cunard Line continues to provide the classy elegance we are accustomed to seeing from them.

加州红葡萄酒是复杂的葡萄酒,优雅而温情脉脉。Pinot Noir is one of those perplexing wines it is classy elegant and at times a little shy.

这款高雅的连衣裙,特征是免烫的纤维,等同于一款时髦舒服的裙子。This elegant silhouette, featuring wrinkle-resistant fabric, is equal parts classy and comfy.