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地高辛具有正性变力和负性变时作用。Digoxin has positive inotropic and negative chronotropic activity.

两组患者应用血管活性药没有明显差异。And there is no difference in using inotropic drugs after operation.

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人胆石对离体蛙心有正性肌力作用。CC also was the positive inotropic action on isolated heart of toad.

对正性变力作用与动作电位变化的关系作了初步讨论。The relationship between positive inotropic effect and changes in AP. was discussed.

变力性一词通常用来描述心肌收缩性的变化。The term inotropic is commonly used in discussing changes in myocardial contractility.

努力寻找并开发疗效更好的药物已倍受专家、学者们的关注。Therefore, the great efforts for developing new positive inotropic agents are being made by scientists.

总的来说,左室功能相对正常的病人撤机后一般不需要强心药的支持。In general, patients with relatively normal preoperative LV function will not require inotropic support to separate from CPB.

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在猫和豚鼠戊巴比妥钠心衰模型上比较了米利酮和哇巴因的强心作用、安全范围和心脏毒性。Positive inotropic effects and safety margin of milrinone had been compared with ouabain on ailing heart model in cats and guinea-pigs.

此研究不受出生体重、较低孕龄门槛、使用强心剂的途径或时间的限制。Studies were not limited by birthweight, lower gestational age threshold or by route or duration of administration of inotropic agents.

结果提示三黄合剂具有扩张冠状动脉及正性肌力作用。These results suggested that Sanhuang mixture had the potential to dilate coronary artery with positive inotropic effect on myocardium.

心电图是最常用的心功能检测方法,能监测心脏变时性和变传导性,但不能检测心脏的变力性。ECG is a commonly used heart function test in analysis of cardiac chronotropic and dromotropic, but it can not be used for detection of cardiac inotropic.

比较分析两组患儿术后病程转归的差异,包括术后呼吸机辅助时间、正性活性药物辅助时间、平均出院时间等。Post-operative course including mechanical ventilation time, inotropic drug support time and post operative hospital time was compared between two groups.

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结论异丙酚、咪唑安定及两药复合应用时对产生心肌负性肌力作用与其抑制心肌细胞L-钙通道电流有关。Conclusion The negative inotropic action of midazolam, propofol and combination of two drugs on the heart is related to an inhibition of L type calcium current.

XT对哇巴因的正性肌力作用及随后出现的心肌收缩力降低的毒性反应均有明显的对抗作用。Furthermore, XT not only attenuated the positive inotropic action, but also delayed the following toxicity response induced by ouabain in the isolated left atria.

由影像结果得到确定的诊断,使用非口服广效性抗生素乃及输液,进行积极的救治却枉然,因而入院36小时后病人即宣告不治。Intensive resuscitation using parenteral broad spectrum antibiotic, fluids, and inotropic agents were in vain, and the patient unfortunately died 36 hours after admission.

观察两组患者心脏电生理指标、血流动力学恢复、正性肌力药物用量、心肌细胞超微结构和心肌酶浓度变化等。Cardiac electrophysiologic data, recovery of hemodynamics, inotropic medicine dosage, myocardial ultrastructural changes and concentration of myocardial enzymes were assessed.

变力性药物如左西孟旦是否也能够发挥全身和肺血管舒张效应仍需要进行研究。It remains to be investigated whether an inotropic drug like levosimendan, also able to exert systemic and pulmonary vasodilating effects, could be beneficial in this context.

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结果表明,米利酮对家兔正常和衰竭心脏都有明显的正性肌力作用,且在这些剂量不改变心脏后负荷。The present results suggest a significant inotropic effect on normal and the experimented failing heart in rabbits, no change in cardiac afterload was observed at these dose levels.

观察两组心脏除颤率、开放主动脉后血钾、术后呼吸机辅助时间及心肌正性肌力药物使用情况。Defibrillation rate, serum potassium after the open of aortic artery and the supporting time of respiratory and positive inotropic agents were observed after aortic cross-clamp removal.

右室心肌梗死的治疗应针对维持或恢复窦性节律,维持合适的前负荷,抗心肌缺血和适当应用正性肌力作用药物。The treatment of right ventricular myocardial infarction has to include maintaining or restoring sinus rhythm, adequate preload, anti-ischemia, and positive inotropic drug appropriately.