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情报虽然很好,但却是间接的。The case was good, but circumstantial.

陪审团不会仅仅根据旁证来定罪。The jury will not convict on circumstantial evidence alone.

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案情是推测出来的,是一条推测出来的线索。These cases are circumstantial. It's a string of inferences.

当然,任何“闹鬼”的证据都是间接的。The evidence on any 'haunting' is, of course, circumstantial.

我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial.

不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.

这种所谓的证据仅仅是建立在间接证据的假设。This so-called proof is mere assumption based on circumstantial evidence.

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我只有间接的证据来证明他在上一次的英语考试中作了弊。I only have circumstantial evidence on him thathe cheated on his last English exam.

在法庭上你只能说有它存在的一些旁证,但没有足以一锤定音的证据。In court you would say there was some circumstantial evidence for it, but no proof.

事实上,早期的探索就发现在那有冰的旁证。Indeed, earlier probes had found circumstantial evidence of at least some ice there before.

写推荐信的人应该对你的学习有充分的了解,才能写出一份详尽的推荐信。The author should be someone who knows your work well enough to write a circumstantial letter.

请注意这是个好相位,适当的紧张对你也是有利的。Please note that this is a good aspect and the circumstantial intensions are to your advantage.

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因此,它很可以成为云南回族受难史的一个艺术旁证。So that it likely is a artistic circumstantial evidence of the history of suffering of Yunnan Hui.

但是最高法庭说,一系列旁证毫无疑问的证明Hayashi是凶手。But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence proves beyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.

该图片提供了一颗年轻恒星正从胚胎云中诞生的旁证。The image offers circumstantial evidence that a young star is being born inside the placental cloud.

我会称呼迄今为止的旁证,为“双重打击”。I'll call what the circumstantial evidence is so far indicating the "Double Whammy" A one, two punch.

针对这些被告的证据大部分也是间接证据,而且充满了矛盾。The evidence against those in the dock was largely circumstantial and packed full of inconsistencies.

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这些赃物始终没有被发现,但是基于已有证据的情况,N被判处10年有期徒刑。The loot was never found, but based on circumstantial evidence, Notarbartolo was sentenced to 10 years.

一位警员说,“我们依靠旁证,就要收到对现场和残骸的法医报告。We are relying on circumstantial evidence and are obtaining forensic reports about the site and remains.

也可以作为独立结构,在句子中具有副句或情景补语的功能。It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.