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在圣诞时节发生的每件事都来自于一种心情。Everything which happens during Yuletide follows from states of mind.

唱诗班在唱圣诞欢歌,而大家穿的像爱斯基摩人一样。Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos.

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圣诞老人通常一身皮衣,白须飘飘,在圣诞时节为人们派送礼物。Generally a bearded old man in fur costume who appears in Yuletide and gives presents.

我俩高喊着为圣诞节干杯,声音盖过了敲打着波浪形铁皮屋顶的冰雹声。We bellowed our Yuletide toasts over the hail that had started pelting the corrugated iron roof.

在整个赛季的报价为50至700客户企业的各方尤尔德公园软件包。An offer throughout the season is its Yuletide Park Packages for 50 to 700 guest corporate parties.

我们在节日前夕可能还要休息几个星期不过每个人都在为圣诞狂欢。We may still be a few weeks off before the holiday arrives but everybody's high on the Yuletide cheer.

不过曾有一个时期,尤其是在欧洲,圣诞季的经典气味之一当属圣诞节啤酒。At one time, though, especially in Europe, one of the classic smells of the Yuletide was Christmas ale.

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在今天的漫画中,美国漫画家斯图尔特-卡尔森描绘了一个典型的圣诞节期间的场面,这一场面带有意想不到的滑稽变化。In today's drawing American cartoonist Stuart Carlson portrays a typical Yuletide scene with a comic twist.

像一个爱吃糖霜的孩子在吃蛋糕时总是把涂在蛋糕土面的糖霜留到最后才吃一样,妈妈把圣诞树的顶端留到最后处理。Like a child eating cake smothered in her favorite icing, Mother saves the top of the Yuletide tree for last.

北京永泰基业广告有限公司是业内一家DM直邮广告公司。Beijing Yuletide conquered advertising co. , Ltd. is the industry in a family of DM direct mail advertising company.

这有五条秘诀来帮助管理者培养圣诞节期间的友情,而不至于让部门失去目标。Here are five tips to help managers foster some yuletide fellowship without sinking the departmental-objectives boat.

由于圣诞节是那里的夏天,所以只要坐船或皮划艇出海,可以碰到几乎上述所有动物,再在海滩享受几抹圣诞阳光。Since it'll be summertime when you visit, you can encounter almost all of them by boat or kayak, then catch some yuletide rays on the beach.

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她认为交通红绿灯是市政当局为了烘托快乐热烈的圣诞节气氛而悬挂在那里的。She thought the red and green lights on the traffic signals had been put up by the municipality as a gay and expansive manifestation of the Yuletide spirit.