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让男孩和女孩子分开。A preadolescent boy or girl.

你们是好男孩和好女孩。A preadolescent boy or girl.

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男孩子比女孩子好打架。A preadolescent boy or girl.

医生可以告诉你尚未进入青春期的孩子,还有你本人,接下来的几年里会发生什么情况。A doctor can tell your preadolescent — and you — what to expect in the next few years.

孩子们在青春期前的中学时光非常喧闹,特别是女孩。Those middle school preadolescent years are the turbulent years--especially for girls.

最喜欢吃泥土的人是处于妊娠早期的妇女和处于青春期的少年。Dirt is most commonly eaten by women in early stages of pregnancy and preadolescent children.

在菲律宾的传统中,青春期前和正处于青春期的男孩都要在3月到5月的暑假里接受割礼。In the Philippines, preadolescent and adolescent boys traditionally are circumcised during summer school break from March to May.

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发育期中与年纪轻的孩童若因外伤而导致前牙缺失,在临床上要进行治疗是较为复杂且具有挑战性的。Traumatic loss of maxillary incisors during the active preadolescent and teenage years is a serious and challenging clinical situation.

可也不能输给凯尔那帮犹太小男生啊。我想我们得承认,对方手段太野蛮了。Yes, but you don't have to lose to Kyle Bernstein's bar mitzvah party. I think we have to acknowledge, those were some fairly savage preadolescent Jews.

在青少年以及处于怀孕初期阶段的妇女中食土现象最为普遍,因为这两者都极易受到寄生虫以及病原体的侵害。Dirt is most commonly eaten by women in early stages of pregnancy and preadolescent children. Both are particularly at risk from parasites and pathogens.

在青少年以及处于怀孕初期阶段的妇女中食土现象最为普遍,因为这两者都极易受到寄生虫以及病原体的侵害。Dirt is most commonly eaten by women in early stages os pregnancy and preadolescent children. Both are particularly at risk from parasites and pathogens.