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这个学校的声誉好吗?Is the school reputable?

产品遍布全国各地,声誉卓著。Products across the country, reputable.

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有多少英雄名噪一时,瞬间陨落。The number of reputable hero, an instant fall.

寻找一些关于如何阅读食品标签的网站。Find reputable websites on how to read food labels.

德国奥勒在欧洲拥有悠久的历史和很高的声誉。OHLER is a reputable brand in Europe with long history.

他家在古代可是有威望的大姓。In ancient times his family was both large, and reputable.

这个学校的声誉好吗?课程的难易程度如何?Is the school reputable? What is the depth of the curricula?

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只有权威的产品才能获得那么多项认证!Only the most reputable products will gain so many recognitions!

我们的成本超过竞争性与信誉好的电子邮件服务。Our costs are more than competitive with reputable emailing services.

也要确保你订购东西的网站是个声誉好的网站。Also make sure that it is a reputable site that you are ordering from.

乔是一个著名的美发师,但是5年前他只是个普通的理发师。Joe is a reputable hairdresser , but he was just a barber 5 years ago.

因此,最好是去声誉好的卖家处买现成的。Therefore, liniments are best bought pre-made from a reputable seller.

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在你的周边地区一个声誉良好的温泉寻找一个持牌按摩治疗师。Check at a reputable spa for a licensed massage therapist in your area.

卢森堡生产六种价格相对低廉的名牌白葡萄酒。Luxembourg produces six reputable and relatively inexpensive white wines.

除了政府,在中国也没有有声望的平级机构。Beyond the government, there is no reputable rating agencies YET in China.

公司制作年度审计应用具独立性的及受好评的核数师。The company performs an annual audit using independent and reputable auditors.

同时,根据所述,儿童虐待网址由一些声誉好的国际组织提供。"child abuse URLs that are provided by reputable international organisations".

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只是您在接受任务的时候,要确保自己在跟信誉良好的供应商打交道。Just be sure you’re working with reputable vendors when you accept assignments.

为什么就不能老老实实做到“信誉卓著”和“严肃认真”,然后等待口碑的机传播呢?Why not just be reputable and serious and let your business spread organically?

野鸡大学的名字往往跟某些知名大学很接近,以混淆视听。Name of institution is deceptively similar to well known reputable universities.