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遗尿症是尿床的术语解释。Sleep enuresis is a fancy term for bed-wetting.

尿床可能有多种生理原因。Enuresis can have a number of physiological causes.

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小儿遗尿症是儿科常见病。Enuresis is a common pediatric diseases in children. Dr.

再是五岁以后的孩子尿床,这叫患遗尿症。After a further five-year-old children are bed-wetting, called enuresis patients.

掌握遗尿、疳积的针灸治疗方法。Master the acupuncture treatment of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.

结论耳穴敷贴治疗小儿遗尿症有较好疗效。Conclusion Plaster-pressure at ear points is quite effective for childhood enuresis.

民间多用于治疗风湿性关节炎和小儿遗尿症。It is used to treat rheumatism and enuresis of children as a folk medicine in China.

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总结张士卿教授治疗小儿遗尿的经验。Professor Zhang Shiqing summary treatment of the experience of enuresis in children.

目的探讨足反射疗法对儿童遗尿症的疗效及其发病机理。Objective To study the Personality and quality of life in children with nocturnal enuresis.

掌握遗尿、疳积的鉴别诊断、注意事项。Master the differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.

目的探讨足反射疗法对儿童遗尿症的疗效及其发病机理。Objective To search for the pathogenesis of child enuresis and curative effect of foot reflexotherapy.

目的探讨系统性家庭心理疗法在功能性遗尿症治疗中的作用。Objective To study the effect of systemic family psychology therapy on the functional enuresis treatment.

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床弄湿,可细分分为两类,小学夜遗尿和中学夜间遗尿症。Bed wetting can be broken down into two categories- primary nocturnal enuresis and secondary nocturnal enuresis.

本发明涉及一种中药制剂,即一种治疗小儿遗尿症的足浴药物。The invention relates to a Chinese drugs preparation, namely a foot-bath medicament for treating nocturnal enuresis.

熟悉遗尿、疳积的病因病机、临床表现。Acquaint with the clinical manifestations, etiology and pathogenesis of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.

小儿遗尿是儿童期较常见疾病,中医药在治疗该病方面有其自身的特点和优势。Nocturnal enuresis is an ordingary disease in children, TCM has its own characteristic and superiority in treating it.

结论遗尿症儿童个性特征倾向于内向性,有忧虑、抑郁及自卑感,生活质量受到明显损害。Conclusion Children with nocturnal enuresis have Personality characteristics of introversion and their quality of life is impaired.

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医生、护士以及辅导员是给夜遗尿患儿及其家人带来希望的救星。The doctors, nurse practitioners and counselors who treat enuresis can be almost messianic about the relief they can offer children and families.

掌握遗尿、疳积的定义、病因病机、辨证、临床表现。Master the definitions, etiology and pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and clinical manifestations of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.

尿床的孩子们分泌的钠和尿素较多,而且这些物质增加了膀胱里尿液量,从而导致遗尿。Sodium and urea excretion was much higher among children who wet the bed, and these substances expand the volume of urine in the bladder, leading to enuresis.