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那她这位老情人现在怎么样了?So how is her old beau doing now?

玛丽告诉男友说,她俩关系就此结束。Mary told her beau she was through with him.

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瞧,我这位亲爱的老相好来啦!Here comes this dear old beau of mine, I protest!

蒲鲁马是出名的公子哥儿代表人物。Beau Brummel was a noted representative of dandyism.

而且他那样忠于艾希礼和小博,所以有他在身边,就觉得安全多了。Ashley and Beau that I always feel safe having him around.

这个衣着华丽的花花公子在枝形吊灯灯光下翩翩起舞。The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers.

如我找不到比那个穿着裤子的老男人更好的男友的话。As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in britches.

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每个星期六她和她的男同学都要去看一场影片。Eextremeccly Saturday, her heads over dawn her beau to grab a movie.

为了追求新的对象,给她/他手写一份简单的情书,这样的时代已经过去了。The days of penning a simple love letter to woo your new beau are over.

两点半到了,钟一报时,我匆忙说声“再见”,站起身来,拉着不愿意离开的博走了出去。M. , I rushed to say good-bye, stood up and pulled the reluctant Beau out.

如果你和你的爱人喜欢做饭,烹饪班也会为你带来完美的体验。If you and your beau love to cook, cooking classes would be a great experience.

而且他那样忠于艾希礼和小博,所以有他在身边,就觉得安全多了。And he's so devoted to Ashley and Beau that I always feel safe having him around.

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比登的儿子博尔•比登是第261独立旅的上尉兼律师。Biden's son, Beau Biden serves as a captain and lawyer in the 261st Signal Brigade.

特纳凯拉·奈特利和鲁珀特·弗兰德亲密地走在巴哈马群岛一处海滩上。Keira Knightley and beau Rupert Friend take a seaside stroll on Grand Bahama Island.

这一消息震惊了都柏林上流社会社交圈。His death sent shockwaves through the beau monde of Dublin's wealthy cocktail society.

连韦德和小博也知道,但都发誓要保守秘密,因此还显得很神气呢。Even Wade and little Beau knew and were sworn to secrecy that puffed them up with pride.

提醒自己不要跟在孩子身边,放手让他们去找男女朋友。Remind yourself not to hover and let them spend some time with a close friend or a beau.

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当宝儿还是只幼犬时,它就“自创”了一些游戏,还精心设计复杂的策略以免被逮到。As a puppy, Beau invented games and crafted intricate strategies to avoid capture, he said.

毕捷已预约宝儿为他们公司答谢顾客年度野餐会的特邀发言人。Bretz has booked Beau as guest speaker for his company's annual customer appreciation barbecue.

当布什女儿珍娜嫁给爱人亨利·海格的时候,第一家庭正在他们的大农场里。When Bush's daughter Jenna gets married to beau Henry Hager, the first family is at their ranch.