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使用含UV指数的日霜。The day cream containing UV index.

对,我们用的是紫外光。Yeah. It was UV light that we used.

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这是在紫外线金属光泽的银。That is UV metallized in glossy silver.

可以跨越UV接缝分割切线么。Should tangents be split across UV seams.

侦破发生在210纳米的紫外线。The detection takes place by UV at 210 nm.

紫外光照射发弱绿黄色荧光。Weak green-yellow fluorescence under UV light.

但是,可千万别放个紫外线灯在保育室。But don’t buy a UV light for the nursery just yet.

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但是使用苍蝇纸和紫外灯it uses fly paper and blue UV light insect-killers

UV光敏干燥辊涂生产线。UV coated photosensitive dry roll production lines.

你可以在车窗上装上紫外线滤镜。You can get UV filtering film for your car windows.

全自动,高照度的紫外线曝光系统。Fully automated, high-intensity UV exposure systems.

水性系统或无溶剂紫外线硬化系统使用之润湿剂。Water based or solvent free UV curing wetting agent.

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太阳灯能够像太阳一样放射出紫外线。A vacuum UV electrodeless discharge lamp is designed.

胺类增效剂用于UV油墨、涂料及油漆等领域。The Amine Synergist for UV ink, coating and painting.

所有维甲酸都使你额外容易地受到紫外线的伤害。All retinoids leave you extra vulnerable to UV damage.

把它转化成uv坐标系,我这话是什么意思呢?So, switch to a uv picture. So, what do I mean by that?

阳光中的紫外线可以分解葡萄酒,让葡萄酒提前熟化。The sun's UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine.

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在粒子存活期间动画化UV坐标。Animates UV coordinates of the particle over its lifetime.

网格模型包含顶点颜色,法线,一到两个uv集。Meshes with vertex colors, normals and one or two UV sets.

人至上,客至尊,专注UV事业!People paramountcy, guest to honor, absorbed in UV career!