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下午我都去风帆冲浪。I went windsurfing most afternoons.

湿乎乎的三明治会让你午后昏昏欲睡。Soggy sandwiches create lethargic afternoons.

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知道夜晚、早上、午后的欢场。Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons.

我喜欢在天气晴朗的下午到河边坐坐.I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.

嗯……下午不行,早晨也没空,要么我周二中午去锻炼?Well, afternoons don’t work. And I can’t do mornings.

妈妈总是那样的,整个整个下午都那样。That's as mamma used to do, whole afternoons together.

孩子们在海滩上度过了很多个下午。The children whiled away many afternoons on the beach.

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问题是我可能会去找份下午工作的差事。The problem is that I'm going to be working afternoons.

我爱礼拜日下午钓鱼看黑鲈吃鱼饵上钩。And small mouth bass have got me hooked on Sunday afternoons.

我就是在咖啡馆里发呆,消磨时间。I just clunked myself down in cafe and wiled away afternoons.

他过去常常在夏日午后驾轻舟荡漾。He used to be pottering about in a canoe on summer afternoons.

夏天的午后经常伴有雷暴雨。Summer afternoons are frequently accompanied by thunderstorms.

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他早上画画,下午练气功。He spends his mornings drawing, and his afternoons doing chi-gong.

他还预料到在炎热的夏日午后老夫妇为他准备的冰镇柠檬或者茶水。He anticipated their offers of cold lemonade or tea on hot afternoons.

她在下午和晚上去学校工作,上午用来写作。She worked afternoons and evenings, leaving mornings free for writing.

每天早晨都很忙碌,下午更忙。The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even busier !

倚身暮气中,在拍打你海洋般双眼的海上我抛掷出我忧愁的网。Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets towards your oceanic eyes.

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我们家里其它的人,都不知道我们的下午是在什么地方度过的。The rest of our family had no idea where we were spending our afternoons.

倚身暮色里,我朝悄海洋般的双眼,投掷我哀伤的网。Leaning into the afternoons I cast mky sad nets towards your oceanic eyes.

每天下午,他们总在屋子前面坐着,在太阳下聊天。They spent the afternoons sitting in the sun on their front porch, talking.