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韶华不为少年留。Young left for juvenile.

这个少年就倒下去了。The juvenile went on down.

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行,等着我当少年犯吧。Okay, wait until I go to juvenile.

在少年犯罪方面两组并无差异。No difference in juvenile offenses.

怕丑的迴避,却为博取那少年的回忆。Avoid shy. To win the juvenile memories.

正被关在少年监狱。Magee was being held in a juvenile jail.

格斯,我可不想成为一名少年犯。Gus I don't wanna be a juvenile delinquent.

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一种是生活,一种却是在幼年读的童话里。A life, a is in juvenile reading fairy tale.

莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切!Mok lightly juvenile white head, mournful air!

我们可以通过教育来控制少年犯罪。We can curb juvenile delinquency by education.

幼年透明蛋白纤维瘤病。It was diagnosed as juvenile hyaline fibromatosis.

那男孩的案件由少年法庭审判。The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.

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网络已经成为诱发青少年犯罪的温床。The network has become a hotbed of juvenile crime.

韶华不为少年留。恨悠悠,几时休。Young left for juvenile. Hate leisurely, when sue.

该少年违者被关进教养院改造。The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory.

他们是细胞社会中的少年犯。They are the juvenile delinquents of cellular society.

这名被告昨天在少年法庭出庭受审。The defendant appeared at the juvenile court yesterday.

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然后用一个指头摸了一下这个少年的脚。With a finger and then touched the feet of the juvenile.

真个此心终难负,况少年情绪。A heart with difficult negative mood, status of juvenile.

它甚至可能以刚孵出的恐龙或恐龙幼崽为食。It might even have eaten hatchling or juvenile dinosaurs.