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股骨内侧弧的曲线是抛物线。Femoral lateral arcs are parabolas.

翻译这幅画是她的侧面图。The picture is a lateral view of her.

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我把这称为横向因果关系。I call this lateral or horizontal causality.

侧脑室有些扩大。The lateral ventricles are somewhat enlarged.

横向思维把创造力变成一种工具。Lateral thinking turns creativity into a tool.

深蹲,颈前下拉,侧平举。Swimming- squat, lat pull down, lateral raise.

其主根不明显、侧根发达。Its obvious main root, lateral roots developed.

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其在侧运动中的缓冲作用优势明显。The effect was most obvious in lateral loading.

这是侧面重叠,这个我们叫做X轨道。And this is the lateral smearing. They call it x.

花两性,呈顶生或侧生的圆锥花序。Flowers bisexual, was apical or lateral panicles.

侧面肾脏异常旋转是相当少见。Lateral renal malrotation is relatively uncommon.

午睡姿势宜平躺仰卧或侧卧为佳。Nap position to be lying in the supine or lateral.

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腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils.

双面涂塑钢带挡潮,并具有抗侧压作用。Double coated strip tide, and has lateral pressure.

道森先生从一个侧面的门走进法庭。Mr. Dawson walked into the court from a lateral door.

这是分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝。It. s the lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.

结果本组40例均为外侧盘状半月板。Results All of 40 cases were lateral discoid meniscus.

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挡潮,并具有抗侧压作用。Double coated Aluminium tide, and has lateral pressure.

斯普利特的侧面边指挥边分割。Split the lateral surface edge with Split edge command.

结论腓骨头与外踝较为相似。Conclusion Fibular head is similar to lateral malleolus.