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你在国外有亲戚吗?Have you any relatives oversea?

但是我中国人,出生的国外。But I am a chinese, born oversea.

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我们没有任何在海外的代理。We do not have any oversea agents.

那你们国外有工厂吗?Do you have oversea plants as well?

莫道克大学对留学生有什么要求?What are requirements for oversea students at Murdoch?

海外公司商业登记证副本。Copy of Certificate of Registration of Oversea Company.

正像这个玉米说的,做一个海米非常困难。As this corn say, being an oversea corn is quite difficult.

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请点击以下购物网马上开始到外国寻宝去吧!Just click on below web links & start shopping oversea now!

可以从设计包工包料到出成品,产品直销国内外。We can do the samples from design to produce in oversea market.

近年来,金山在国际化拓展方面成绩卓著。In the recent years, Kingsoft has expanded into oversea markets.

外洋客户亦可间接征询我店。Any oversea clients please send email to me or contact me directly.

主办单位将会以空邮寄出请柬予海外参展商。For oversea exhibitors, we will send the Invitation Card by airmail.

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认为季节性的海外海鲜的价格是合理的就是背叛。It’s a treason terror of the seasonal oversea seafood is reasonable.

与国外母工厂及兄弟工厂及时沟通协作,互通经验相互支持。Communicate with the other Bosch oversea factory, support each other.

主办单位将会以空邮寄出入场券予海外参展商。For oversea exhibitors, we will send the Admission Ticket by airmail.

觉得季候性的国外海鲜的代价是公道的便是叛逆。It' s a treason terror of the seasonal oversea seafood is reasonable.

从我做起,迎接海外来宾,树上海新风。Start with me, welcome oversea guests and build Shanghai new manners.

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现在宁德正太旅游用品有限公司从事外贸业务。Being an oversea saler in Yangzhou Zhengtai Tourism Products Co. , Ltd.

2015年,近40万国际学生蜂拥来到中国市场。In 2015, nearly 400,000 oversea students swarmed into the Chinese market.

认为季节性的海外海鲜的价格是合理的就是背叛。It's a treason that terror of the seasonal oversea seafood is reasonable.