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最后通牒规定的期限到明天中午截止。The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow.

一方不可以向另外一方下最后通牒。One side cannot put an ultimatum to another.

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他们给那个国家发出了最后通牒。They delivered an ultimatum to that country.

这一纸最后通牒必然会引起严重危机。This ultimatum was bound to create a grave crisis.

中方是否反对布什总统对萨达姆提出的要求其48小时之内离开伊拉克否则就要动武的最后通牒?Are you opposed to the 48-hour ultimatum issued by Bush?

请听卡伦如何斥责他,给他下最后通牒。Listen as she reprimands him and gives him an ultimatum.

两组在最后通牒游戏中都扮演回应者。Both groups then played the ultimatum game as responders.

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发最后通牒,不过你要准备好失去你的朋友。Issue an ultimatum -- but be prepared to lose your friends.

只要有可能美国就必须避免对中国发出最后通牒。An ultimatum from the US to China must be avoided if at all possible.

结算号召通牒时,你才需要选择五个永久物。You don't choose five permanents you control until Clarion Ultimatum resolves.

隆明公司这家矿场星期天发表声明说,对星期一复工的要求是最后通牒。Lonmin PLC said in a statement Sunday that the deadline is a "final ultimatum. ""

但是,要明白最后通牒游戏只有一次互动的机会,真有那麽困难吗?But can it be so hard to realize that the Ultimatum Game is a one-shot interaction?

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德国柏林洪堡大学的古思,大约在20年前设计了最后通牒游戏。Werner Güthof Humboldt University in Berlin devised Ultimatum Game some 20 years ago.

克拉西奇很愿意去意大利踢球,但他从来没有发出任何形式的最后通牒。The player would be happy to go to Italy, but he has never made any kind of ultimatum.

我们将看到什么样的“最后通牒”成立的这种伯恩对原料和ECW在未来几周了。We'll see what kind of "ultimatum" this Bourne has in the coming weeks on Raw and ECW.

格林准备给托尼下最后通牒,但是她的审问被杰克打来了一个电话打断了。Green is about to give Tony an ultimatum but she is interrupted by a phone call from Jack.

绝地拒绝回答王子的下落,塔姆森失去耐心,提出了最后通牒。Growing impatient at the Jedi's refusal to answer, Tamson throws out a terrible ultimatum.

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如果你生命中的某个人一直摇摆不定,那么木星会激励你下达名副其实的最后通牒。If someone in your life has been wavering, Jupiter prods you to deliver an ultimatum of sorts.

苹果和谷歌一样接到了限时15天的通牒——只是苹果最终同意按要求修改政策。Apple was slapped with the same 15-day ultimatum as Google – but Apple complied with the request.

在尤文董事会召开会议后决定给费拉拉最后通牒。After an extraordinary meeting held in Turin the Juventus board have handed Ciro Ferrara an ultimatum.