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禁止在森林中倾倒垃圾。No dumping in these woods!

你现在准备放油吗?Are ready for fuel dumping now?

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这架飞机正在应急放油。The airplane is dumping gasoline.

拼装车正倾倒一车甘蔗至转装台的漏斗。A lorry was dumping sugarcane into the hopper.

在闪电区放油确实危险。Dumping in lightning area is really dangerous.

你不来看我则已,一来就向我发牢骚。You never come to see me without dumping on me.

月球将会成为塑料玩具的倾销地。Now Moon had become a plastic toys dumping yard.

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综合0800游戏倾销包括党卫军v2的!Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2!

该工厂一直将其废弃物倾倒在那条河里。The factory has been dumping its waste in the river.

海力士经常被对手指控倾销。Hynix has often been accused by its rivals of dumping.

头脑枯竭法是一个把所有想法扯出来的好办法。Brain dumping is a great way to get all your ideas out.

我们需要清理轨道附近的垃圾倾倒区。We need to start cleaning up our orbital dumping ground.

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我不允许任何人在甲板上倾倒垃圾。I wouldn have anyone of you dumping any garbage on the desk.

非法倾倒垃圾是现象近十年来愈演愈烈。The illegal waste dumping has mushroomed in the last decade.

金达尔说,一些国家在印度大量倾销。Jindal said some countries were dumping extensively in India.

不少河涌更成为排放污水、倾倒垃圾的排污沟。Many become more sewage effluent, dumping of refuse sewage Gap.

港口当局是严禁向外舷外倾倒垃圾的。The port authority strictly prohibits dumping garbage overboard.

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进入降落前,我们需要20分钟的时间来放油。We need 20 minutes for fuel dumping before coming in for landing.

有关禁止向海洋抛洒垃圾的国际协定必须实施。International treaties prohibiting dumping at sea must be enforced.

⑶坡体中上部锚固或坡顶连梁固定防止倾倒。Slope in the upper anchorage or Poding beam fixed to prevent dumping.