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不过存在一个障碍。But there is a snag.

然而,这里有一个障碍。However, there's a snag.

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但是,我很快碰到一个障碍。However I quickly hit a snag.

然后让他们试着徒手再次去抓块块。Then they tried to snag the block barehanded again.

我会把每个障碍当作是垫脚石。And I take every snag in my way as a stepping-stone.

保留枯树并为野生动物栖息地加强种植。Retain snag trees and promote plantings for wildlife habitat.

但是,作为聚变燃料成为它被广泛应用的障碍。But there's a snag in its widespread adoption as a fusion fuel.

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大多数局部麻醉剂的问题是,它们的作用没有针对性。The snag with most local anaesthetics is their lack of specificity.

满足这一点之后,再靠热感应能力去抓一只活生生的老鼠也算是美味的奖励啦。Get that, and the ability to snag a hot mouse might come as a tasty bonus.

为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness.

但那时,北京的汉族军人数量已经超过了满族军人。But the snag was that the Manchus were outnumbered by Han troops in Beijing.

想要自己尝试她的风格吗?继续阅读你就可以得到更多关于杰茜的造型的讯息。Want to snag her style for yourself? Read on to learn some more about Jess' style!

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那个晚上,郝京妮阅历了人生里很大的坎儿,是本人跟本人的坎。That night, the life experience of Beijing hao's in big snag with himself, is my camp.

湖人期望在与超音速的比赛中获胜,创造新的连胜记录。The Lakers look to snag a new win-streak high tonight at Seattle against the SuperSonics.

唯一的问题是,根据热力学第三定律,温度不可能低于-459华氏度。The only snag is the Third Law of Thermodynamics, which says it’s impossible to go below -459 F.

苹果美国的应用程序也因为因为富士通已经拥有了这个名字而受到了阻碍。Apple ran into a snag with its U.S. application for the name, too, because Fujitsu already owned it.

我仍然要轮出锋利您会看到有作为袋可以阻拦,对那些和我们下来路要走。I still have to round out the sharp edges you see there as the bag could snag on those and down we go.

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该车的操控杆与大的自行车式的轮子一样引人注意。If the big-spoked bicycle type wheels don't snag attention, then steering with a joystick surely will.

其中潜在的困难是全神贯注于视频聊天的人可能讨厌受到广告的狂轰滥炸。The snag with this is that people engrossed in video chatting may well resent being bombarded with ads.

我们会讨论很多,从夸张手法到讽刺,勾住客户以及提升成交率。We'll discuss how to use everything from hyperbole to sarcasm to snag users and score more conversions.