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你看呢,玛丽安?What say you, Marianne?

玛丽安简直不知说什么好。Marianne hardly knew what to say.

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玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。Marianne put the kettle on to boil.

“对此我毫不怀疑,”玛丽安应道。"I have no doubt of it, " replied Marianne.

玛丽安威廉森说得对,她说Marianne Williamson hadit right when she said

“这正是我的看法,”玛丽安嚷道。"That is exactly what I think of him, " cried Marianne.

他有种不详的预感,但没有告诉玛丽安。He feared something was wrong, but didn't tell Marianne.

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玛丽安溜到商摊去买蛋卷冰激凌。Marianne slipped to the Concession Stand for an ice cream cone.

她在巴顿庄园嘲笑布兰登上校,到了乡舍便嘲弄玛丽安。At the park she laughed at the colonel, and in the cottage at Marianne.

玛丽安正想反驳,但她记起了自己的诺言,便。Marianne was going to retort, but she remembered her promises and forbore.

2005年8月,约翰,玛丽安和科里聚集在匹兹堡医疗中心大学盖勒的实验室里。In August 2005, John, Marianne and Curley gathered in Geller's lab at UPMC.

玛丽安.肯兹尤斯被金属的碰撞声从睡梦中惊醒。Marianne Kanzius was startled from sleep by the sound of metal banging on metal.

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玛丽安李带着她的孩子到了历史课的历史战场。Marianne Lee brought her children to the historic battlefield for a history class.

这本书是里士满的一部分,从初学者玛丽安纸板书系列板。This book is part of the Beginner Board series of board books from Marianne Richmond.

“真的吗?”玛丽安大声暖道,眼里闪闪发光。“而且还优雅自若,精神抖擞?”"Did he indeed?" cried Marianne with sparkling eyes, "and with elegance, with spirit?"

因自杀而结束了短短一生的哈特克莱恩,其目标在某些方面要比马里安莫尔远大。Hart crane in a brief life ended by suicide, aimed higher in some waysthan marianne moore.

这是一个名为玛丽安穆尔的小孩的图,她脸上的表情甜美而奇妙。This is the image of a child, also named Marianne Moore, with delicious, prodigious locks.

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一天晚上,心烦意乱的梅勒妮外出和玛丽安交谈,并发生了性关系。A very upset Melanie leaves the house one night and goes to talk to Marianne. They end up having sex.

“亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。"In a few months, my dear Marianne. " said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life.

她不像玛丽安想象的那样,把对爱德华的钟情看得那么遂心如意。She could not consider her partiality for Edward in so prosperous a state as Marianne had believed it.