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驾驶过在蓝色的脊机械翻译中被雾笼罩。Driving through fog in the Blue Ridge Mts.

国内分布新疆西部的昆伦山脉及喀什地区。Recorded in W Xinjiang in Kunlun Mts and Kashi region.

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MTS系统也可应用军事包配置或车辆配置。The MTS can also be employed in bag or vehicle configurations.

此实验直接显示了微管的弹性性质。This result indicated the elastic property of fluorescence labeled MTs.

比较了各个截面的MTS和PMV预测结果并分析了产生误差的原因。Compares the predicted results of MTS and PMV and analyses the cause of the error.

氧化铝的进口禁令严格限制生产能力在100,000吨以下的冶炼商。Alumina import bans have been exacted against smelters with capacity below 100,000 mts.

由于句子层面上的机译系统的局限性——没有利用篇章信息,句子分析时有许多的歧义性不能处理。Because the sentence MTS do not use the text information, they can not deal with many problems.

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卫神学生会于2007年7月26日开始,进行了由卫神社体一起油漆国旗的计划。The Student Body of MTS organized a national flag painting project starting from 26th July 2007.

MTS系统本身非常不可思议,包含了很多巧妙的想法,而且差不多是与Unix同时被开发出来的。MTS was a fantastic system with lots of neat ideas and was developed around the same time as Unix.

迄今收到的MTS订单总额已从5.462亿美元增加到6.051亿美元。Total orders received to date against the $605.1 million MTS contract increased to $546.2 million.

推导了基于超椭球面支持向量机的马田系统阈值确定公式。The function of threshold of MTS based on the hyper ellipsoidal support vector machine is established.

鄂伦春人生活在自然资源丰富的大小兴安岭,对山林狩猎生活怀有特别的眷恋之情。Olunchun people live in Mts. Daxinganling and Mts. Xiaoxinganling, which are full of natural resources.

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巴颜喀拉山脉南端位于四川省阿坝县、壤塘县与马尔康县交界地区。The southern end of the Mts. Bayan Har lies in common boundary area of Aba, Zamtang and Barkam counties.

研究了可定制流程图的表达与实现,及其在维修培训系统中的应用。Representation and realization of customizable flow chart are discussedalong with its application in MTS.

其北侧由塔里木古板块北缘分离出中天山微大陆。The micro- continent of Middle Tianshan Mts. separated from the north of Tarim old plate on the northern.

敬请各位牧者与弟兄姐妹留意,我们的锡安圣经函授学校办公室已经从第叁楼的课室搬到底楼新的办公室。New Office Room for Zion Bible Correspondence School, is located on the ground floor of MTS Main Building.

我们期待着继续支持MTS项目和国防部其他重要项目。We look forward to continuing our support to the MTS Program and other critical Department of Defense programs.

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阿勒泰东部山区森林生态系统树生地衣群落特征的初步研究。A preliminary study on community characteristics of corticolous lichen in forest ecosystem in eastern altay mts.

Comtech公司将负责提供MTS系统硬件、备件、卫星带宽以及技术和专业服务。Comtech will provide MTS system hardware, spares, satellite bandwidth, as well as technical and professional services.

逆冲推覆和褶皱作用均从大巴山外侧向前陆盆地方面呈递进运移扩展。Both of the thrustings and the foldings progressively transferred form the outside of Daba Mts. towards the foreland basin.