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这种连接并不只是衍生性的。The connexion is not a simple derivation.

她从各方面表示不赞成这门亲事。She deprecated the connexion in every light.

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她像你姨父或我一样希望这门亲事能成。She desires the connexion as warmly as your uncle or myself.

其实,这倒是预防他们之间结亲的唯一稳妥的办法。It is, in fact, the only sure way of providing against the connexion.

符号学是研究符号之间的抽象形式联系的学科。Syntactics is a subject to study abstract formal connexion among the signs.

而欲望强与良心弱这二者之间也没有自然的联系。There is no natural connexion between strong impulses and a weak conscience.

今天与诸位一起聚在这里,我想让大家知道,我是多么珍视这种亲密的联系。As I stand here with you all today, I want to say how much I value this connexion.

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这和从前的思想言论,是毫无共通,毫无有机的联系的。There was no organic connexion with the thought and expression that had gone before.

因此我们需要文化,文化是人们唯一能定位自我、和自我相连的方式。For this we need culture. Culture is the only means of orientation and connexion for the self.

经常考虑宇宙中所有事物的联系和它们的相互关系。Frequently consider the connexion of all things in the universe and their relation to one another.

英国和美国的普通读者一想到波就联想到一些扣人心弦的故事。The casual reader, in britain or america, thinks of poe in connexion with certain gripping stories.

因此,康奈新公司致力于利用互联网语音技术使乘客能安全地拨打电话。Therefore, Connexion aims at using voice-over-Internet technology to let passengers make phone calls safely.

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我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。I kept a tenuous connexion with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture.

我向他提出忠告是唯一的顾虑是替他着想,因为她配不让他,而且跟他并不门当户对。My only scruple in advising the match was on his account, as being beneath his deserts, and a bad connexion for him.

该软件是个可动态改变大小的池,具有多种不同的数据库连接。Java Database connexion and Statement Pool. This software is a dynamically sizeable Pool that can have multiple differents database link.

那些热情地和她们交谈,欢快地和她们歌唱,自由自在地和她们在林中野宿的男子们,不用说都欲望勃勃地想更进一步。The young men with whom they talked so passionately and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion.

上面这些不仅是由饮茶而引起的争议之处,它们也说明喝茶这件事已经变得有多么精细化了。These are not the only controversial points to arise in connexion with tea drinking, but they are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become.

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“这是一种有巨大生产效益的工具,它将会把时间重新交还给人们,”提供该项卫星宽带服务的康奈新公司的一位发言人说道。"It becomes a really strong productivity tool that gives people their time back, " said a spokesman for Connexion , which is offering the satellite broadband service.

我们在世界上只是暂时栖身,却一厢情愿、痴心妄想地竟把它当作长久不变的结合,好像没有冷漠、争吵、离别的蜜月。Our short-lived connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation.

我们在世界上只是暂时栖身,却一厢情愿、痴心妄想地竟把它当作天长地久的给合,好像没有冷漠、争吵、离别的蜜月。Our short-lived connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is all indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation.